Quote Originally Posted by ridemcowboy View Post
i wont get the vaccine even when its on the market..... js
Yep, not gonna need it anyway most likely. The vast majority of people don't seem to realize what a vaccine is anyway. A vaccine is you being injected with dead viral cells or weakened viral cells. The bottom line is your body has to create the antibodies either way. Period. A vaccine is not some special medicine other than it's slightly weaker or dead to help you deal with it more easily. However, your body still has to produce protein antibodies and if your immune system can't or can't stay ahead of the viral infection (i.e. SARS-COV-2 not COVID <---- that's the result of when ur body can't keep up) then you get sick and/or ultimately get very sick and possibly die (same with the flu, same with any viral load). Period. End of story.