Jessie what some providers fail to realize is this is a buyer’s market. It’s only a few who allow the illusion that women control this thing to persist. When I first started buying pussy at Hollywood studio it was unheard of for a provider to kiss a client. Period. The market changed that because guys want that level of intimacy, so the paradigm has gone from now kissing to licking strangers clean assholes. Providers will go with what the market bears period. I’m not a fan of bbbj but hey guess what, unless you’re hot as foook you will not survive here doing Cbj, and for the women saying they love it please stop lying. I like the taste of chitterlings and oxtails, an overload of salt we good. That’s to answer Jessie question, you as the seller have to accept risks a buyer with any sense won’t. Ck has a saying you ladies love about you’ll make the rules, sounds good, but in actuality whoever is procuring you’re services makes the rules, you just have to say whether or not you will go along with it. If the market says foook your rules, then most bullshit rules will change as did the kissing thing. He’ll the other day I damn near changed saliva with a chick and that never happened pre 1998. So that’s why I can come to your place Jessie and you’ll never come to mine. You’ll really don’t want to come to my place anyway. It’s real g’s where I’m at, sometimes they scare me. Guys spend that money for a room never let a chick come to your crib. Free game. #i know I’m hot#tbone steak and fries# uni follow me #around#but claim to#hate da magnificent! Hmmmmmm. I am shine da magnificent! Lord of Houston! Meet me at halo tonight. The old eden. Say da great sent you for a special gift......