Quote Originally Posted by chloevankatie View Post
I thought he was merely unable to contain his joy when you joined thread.

Lol j/k :)

It seems the sudden optimism in the markets have died. Reality is setting in.

Ha. Good to have others chime in.

We'll see where we strike 2nd week ish of July, midish July. Texas is level 2, and 2nd phase of re opening on Monday. I'm curious.

And this constant bullish rallies are such easy sells. I really think people who have never invested in the stock market, came out of the wood works. The daily flip margins are huge, its a bipolar game.

I still stick to my angles though, very confident in it. Worst YTD I've had in my career, I think I'll end up positive though. I'm making baby margins messing the dailies on the rookies. That's giving me leverage to keep the var maxed to the gills.

I was still long term long airlines, sold out some of my AA cause of the stupidity in the rally. And shorted Tesla again. That stock you can literally trade short term and make significant money. Put more into the core, and kept some FCF against my shit p&l.