A little old lady goes to the produce section of the local grocery store. She approaches the clerk:

Little Old Lady: Where do you keep the broccoli?
Produce Clerk: Sorry maam, we don't have any today.

Dejected, she stomps out, only to return half an hour later.

Little Old Lady: Where's your broccoli?
Produce Clerk: Lady, like I told you before, we don't have any broccoli today.

Mumbling, she again storms from the store, only to return a third time. This time she is wearing dark glasses and a wig in an attempt to disguise herself.

Little Old Lady: I want BROCCOLI!!!!!!
Produce Clerk: Maam, do me a favor, spell ham, as in hamburger.
Little Old Lady: Ham, thats H-A-M, ham.
Produce Clerk: Very good, now spell the word meat, as in meatloaf.
Little Old Lady: Meat, thats M-E-A-T, meat!
Produce Clerk: Great, now spell fuck, as in broccoli.

The little old lady looks puzzled then replies, "Wait, there ain't no fuck in broccoli!"
Produce Clerk: Lady, that's what I've been trying to tell you all day!!!!