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Thread: that ‘rona in your jiz

  1. #1
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    that ‘rona in your jiz

    I don’t want to talk about this malarkey, I’m just posting the link.

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  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD dodger's Avatar
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    another benefit of not having jizz

    .. old man, here. prostate surgery ...
    A provider standing in the shadows once said: "I just can't do civvie sex. I'm too fucking spoiled!" (truth)

    For ladies who can’t be bothered reading profiles: … old guy … long hair and full beard … not a stud muffin … not every woman’s dream … but polite ... very, very gfe, smooching, cuddling ... more smooching

  3. #3
    Verified Companion Companion lovingcamela's Avatar
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    My civvie girlfriend could not understand why I was so obsessed with this article. “Well because I suck a lot of cock! Like...duh!” I almost blurted out.
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  4. #4
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Similar story is on CNN.

    Since this is a respiratory virus, it's not clear that this would be a problem. Maybe grab Listerine fast if CIM.

  5. #5
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    No jiz!? I need all the glory dodger! It is what it is tho.

    Lol. Don’t worry too much Camela, not enough info.

    I just think it’s wild how all these random other symptoms unrelated to how c19 is said to effect the lungs are now a part of the virus. Like covid toes. Yes clots in the feel and legs can get lodged in the lungs but how is that c19? I don’t even want to get started. I almost can’t stand I posted the link.
    “don’t be dumb/blind, in your ear like a radio”

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Ben Rhimene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love View Post
    I almost can’t stand I posted the link.
    Sharing is opens up an opportunity to dive deeper for those concerned/interested and easy enough to ignore for the rest.

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    It's pretty unlikely. There is no evidence thus far of sexual transmission and the presence of viral cells in semen, or other female bodily fluids, isn't really too surprising.

    Viruses replicate and invade cells, injecting their own genetic material (RNA in the case of SARS-COV-2). Therefore, they get into all kinds of tissues and various cells in the body. Looking at semen or vaginal secretions to do serology tests on was a natural evolution of studying the virus b/c sexual transmission is a common transmission vector for certain viruses.

    So far it only seems transmissible via aerosols, droplets, and fomites (contaminated surfaces you touch) and then gets near your mouth or nose. Part of that is simply b/c it's a coronavirus, and much like rhinoviruses, thrives in the oral route. SARS-COV-2 also has an affinity for ACE2 receptors which as found largely in the lungs and kidneys for example.

    Your chances of getting SARS-COV-2 (and then COVID-19) via sexual transmission are completely & utterly ridiculous to even consider at this point. The virus will be found (ultimately) in a wide range of cells but those studies don't take priority (STD studies do). It will likely only ever be transmissible through nasal/oral routes.

    The other thing is, much like I've said since the beginning b/c I was an early science skeptic on the panic, we are now much more convincingly learning that this virus has been around longer than we thought and is undoubtedly far more pervasive throughout the global population right now.

    --Spain released data showing 5% infected and recovered with antibodies (confirmed cases there sit at only .25%)

    --NYC study reported the city shows upwards of 25% infected or already had it due to presence of antibodies.

    --Santa Clara CA study by Stanford showed the infection had penetrated the population (by looking at existing antibodies) to a factor of 80x the reported/confirmed cases.

    --Boston reported one showing 10% of population with antibodies though the mayor in talks with health officials believe it's higher at at least 20%.

    --Chelsea Massachusetts showed antibodies in the population at a rate 16 times higher than known or reported cases.

    --Miami/Dade County reported a serology antibody study that showed the population was infected at 20x the known case rate.

    Why is all of that so important? Because it tells us that the initial media hype and social media storm that followed, created in a near perfect chain of events, which likely could only happen in this new tech/info/media era we live in, basically caused a complete panic, hysteria, and global shutdown over something that is now thought to almost certainly be on par with the seasonal flu (or even lower). It brings the true fatality rate down into flu zone or even considerably lower.

    What we see fairly consistently across various studies is a viral penetration into the population when we look at unbiased samples of people for antibody data that is ~20-25 times that of the known cases.

    This means there are far more cases that have recovered or are currently experiencing mild (or no) symptoms and as such the true mortality rate, even if the COVID-19 deaths were recorded correctl, and likely tens of thousands were not correctly attributed/recorded, is vastly lower. It's becoming obvious even to the average person using anecdotal data they see and hear everyday.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mathguy View Post
    Because it tells us that the initial media hype and social media storm that followed, created in a near perfect chain of events, which likely could only happen in this new tech/info/media era we live in, basically caused a complete panic, hysteria, and global shutdown over something that is now thought to almost certainly be on par with the seasonal flu (or even lower). It brings the true fatality rate down into flu zone or even considerably lower.
    Is a refereed journal?

    Do the families of the 100,000+ people who have died this year (more than Vietnam and Korean War deaths combined) take great comfort in your assertions?

  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    There is little any of us can do to comfort those families, sadly. Likely that 100K is vastly incorrect too due to errors in attributing cause of death. What we will find later, and we can already see in early data is that miraculously things like flu, pneumonia, heart diseases, and other death causes are somehow incredibly suppressed during this massive period of "covid deaths". It doesn't take a lot of imagination to consider why that is the case. Death attributions (to a large degree, not *completely*) have just flip flopped around b/c of the quick trigger finger to call a death covid related. CDC guidelines for 6 or 7 weeks now don't even require a covid test, just a "best guess" judgement. Go check for yourself. And even with a positive test it's insane because that doesn't indicate causation in the presence of comorbidity but to not even have a test and label it covid as a causative reason? Totally insane. :/

    Is what I say to comfort those who have loved ones who died? No. I can't comfort the 25K, 50K, or even if it truly is 100K (seriously unlikely) any more than I (or you) can comfort the other 3-4 million that died last year. Or the 45-60Mn that die globally. Or the 500K that died in 2018 in the US during this same period of just heart disease and cancer.

    It's not to comfort those people (as much as I do truly feel for anyone who loses a loved one, regardless of the cause of death, of which there are *many* that happen all the time unfortunately).

    So why say it? It's to put it into perspective for everyone. The world is full of germs. The world is full of death. Each and every day and on every surface everywhere we go. It happens or exists in everything we do. Yet we never acted even remotely this way before. Why is that? The answers should be pretty obvious.

  10. #10
    Verified Hobbyist BCD EagleEye's Avatar
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    This is an interesting alternative look at potential Covid deaths, tracking real vs predicted total mortality in the US:

    Whatever the number, the fear for many of us is passing it on to others, especially loved ones, who may be in a health compromised situation. It is the transmissibility combined with it likely being deadlier than flu that makes this nasty. If I could get tested a couple of times a week, I can go see my 83 yo mom and even give her a hug, instead of sitting 10 feet apart outside.

  11. #11
    Verified Companion Companion lovingcamela's Avatar
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    I like to get my ‘rona updates from this weekly podcast called This Week in Virology. It’s a group of virologists and scientists that talk about...viruses! And since Covid they focus a lot on that. They will take questions by email from the general public. It’s sooo interesting. For example they said in one podcast that there are currently over 4,000 case studies. So the jizz one got the news, but that does not mean it is good science or relevant, just a good headline.

    I may ask about that in addition to some other questions. I’m not worried about Corona Jizz, but it’s always fascinating to learn in and outs. I want to know, for example, About the CDC coming out and saying...oops I guess the virus does not live on surfaces that long and then we hear nothing more. There’s also an article or correction of an early study stating that the asymptotic cases are not as contagious as previously thought. I’d like clarification on that as well.
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  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovingcamela View Post
    There’s also an article or correction of an early study stating that the asymptotic cases are not as contagious as previously thought. I’d like clarification on that as well.
    Great point Camela For example, it's still somewhat inconclusive but it does appear that children are not transmitting it easily.

    In studies of schools while they were open (globally) we can only find one (just *one*) instance of an outbreak traced back to a school in France. The weird thing is we would usually expect schools to be some of the largest incubators and transmitter factories of the virus yet we can find virtually none.

    It's inconclusive but there is evidence mounting that children are not as contagious (if contagious at all, particularly from child --> adult).

    Image Source:

    Another recent story from two top epidemiologists who believe it's less contagious (or not at all) among children:

    Children with COVID-19 may be less contagious than adults, two UK epidemiologists say

  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lover's Avatar
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    This is why swallowing is so important!

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