Quote Originally Posted by MikeD77 View Post
Thanks for taking the time to answer. Kind of a broad net they cast.
One of the widest nets you could imagine. The whole issue around prostitution AND pornography is extremely complicated and involves tons of case law.

People don't realize it but most pornography is not technically "legal" on any federal level and, in fact, some states have specific statutes which deem it prostitution. California became the mecca for porn producers before the internet era bc of the something known as the Miller case (and resulting "Miller test"). The age of the internet changed things and basically most officials just "ignore" pornography even though it too is illegal strictly speaking in most locales where it's being consumed.

The main difference and why many LE agencies don't care anymore? Because it has been successfully fought in various supreme court cases under free speech and artistic expression. Basically they see the people having sex as "actors" and they are all being paid to act or direct, and not for their own pleasure. That's the main distinction. The issue though is that most people would find virtually any of the porn today to be absolutely completely devoid of any artistic expression and it's of an extremely prurient nature. Particularly with Gonzo films and all the home based and Pornhub/XVideos type stuff people for their own pleasure while also making money. The lines blur badly at that point. It's just that it's culturally and societally accepted now.

However, the point being is that I believe we are headed exactly that way with most online communities and boards like these. Not yet, no, but we are getting closer to the same situation as porn in that regard (they simply don't care - not worth their time when it's something pretty regulated, safe, consenting, etc). The bigger issue is with street walking, human trafficking, people who are brought from other countries (under<prohibited-topic>), forced to use <prohibited-topic>, under duress, pimps, violence in the streets, high levels of STDs, and on and on.