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Thread: Corona. Still seeing escorts?

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD albundy v2.0's Avatar
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    Corona. Still seeing escorts?

    I was thinking about hooking up tomorrow with a local working girl, but just saw that this freaking Corona virus has now made it’s way down here. Not too concerned about myself, but don’t want to pass that to my kids and relatives with health issues. Thinking about not doing it now. Damn thing is apparently easy to catch.

    Are any of you concerned about playing right now with this shit spreading around the state? Maybe I should hurry up and bang her while it’s still only a few cases around these parts. Not sure.
    Eats Hot Pockets. Bangs Hooers.

  2. #2
    Verified Companion Companion Kimberly Kisses's Avatar
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    It's not a virus lol. Geez. People believe anything the paid off Media reports. Look into Tesla's Corona Field in regards to 5G, and you'll know exactly what is actually going on. Every election year they create a new distraction. Big pharma creates a new vaccine for that so called distraction too. It's not a multi billion dollar industry because it saves lives.

    I'd see as many providers you want. You have a better chance getting the clap than some made up virus. JS.
    Awaiting account deactivation, no longer available. Be safe, all the best!

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    In a secret, heavliy defended, underground lair somewhere in the OH2 Badlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberly Kisses View Post
    In the hobby, You have a better chance getting the clap than some made up virus. JS.
    Very True!

  4. #4
    Verified Companion Companion Kimberly Kisses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday View Post
    Very True!
    HahA, I don't know Doc... I was under the impression we played safer than the skank at the bar serving up skills after closing. ������
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  5. #5
    Retired Companion
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    Please play safe everyone!! I would hope everyone does their own research and goes forward accordingly...


  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    If you do the research you will see that it is real and if you like playing roulette, go for it.
    I see no reason to take the chance until it dies down.

  7. #7
    Verified Companion Companion Kimberly Kisses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harley diablo View Post
    If you do the research you will see that it is real and if you like playing roulette, go for it.
    I see no reason to take the chance until it dies down.

    Your research didn't tell you it only has a 2 percent fatality rate? Lol. WE created it to push a mandatory vaccine. No, I don't poison myself with that garbage either. It's literally mass hysteria, not ebola.

    Every year a new virus is created to impose more control. Did you miss that certain areas are under Martial law? Yah, that is the goal...control.

    I know someone who literally just spent 2 months in China, and wasn't forced to do a thing upon coming back here. Freak out over nothing if you like, but it's nothing more than flu symptoms. If your immune system is wack, you will catch everything.
    Last edited by Kimberly Kisses; 03-12-2020 at 11:59 AM.
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  8. #8
    Verified Companion Companion Kimberly Kisses's Avatar
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    Last edited by Kimberly Kisses; 03-12-2020 at 11:58 AM.
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  9. #9
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    I was just wondering about this myself and wondering how it is effecting everyone.

  10. #10
    Verified Companion Companion SoSexyMsTerri's Avatar
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    Guidelines say small gatherings are permissible. Like someone else said, you're more likely to get an std.

    Someone at walmart told me people are roaming around from highly affected areas presumably without being tested. She saw their passport. Govt says it's a big deal, but people from italy/china are roaming around with no testing and no quarantine. ��*♀️

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  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Not to mention the virus can’t tolerate temps 80 degrees and over, so we in a good climate.
    Good manners and courtesy open more doors than they ever close and they cost you nothing.
    CBJ Haters Militia member

  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldGent View Post
    Not to mention the virus can’t tolerate temps 80 degrees and over, so we in a good climate.
    I would bet there’s 1000s of Iranians that might disagree with that. And people in Australia might disagree as well since they are in summer there and it’s spreading still.

    People should spread facts. What you’re saying is simply not correct. The truth is we don’t know enough about the C-19 to make any assessment on what can be considered safe.

    People should tolerate the level of risk they are comfortable with just like bb. If you are ok with possibly getting pneumonia for a tryst with a person that’s been possibly exposed by laying with other people that similarly, then go for it.

    But let’s be all aware that, according to the CDC and NIH, this is a virus with a high spread rate, similar to the common cold, and for 1 of each 12 people that contract it, they will require hospitalization and a week on a respirator.

    Louisiana is currently one of the fastest growing hot spots per capita.

  13. #13
    Verified Companion Companion Kimberly Kisses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoSexyMsTerri View Post
    Guidelines say small gatherings are permissible. Like someone else said, you're more likely to get an std.

    Someone at walmart told me people are roaming around from highly affected areas presumably without being tested. She saw their passport. Govt says it's a big deal, but people from italy/china are roaming around with no testing and no quarantine. ��*♀️


    "And, just like that the government controls all sporting events, concerts, jobs, colleges, jobs, medical facilities, travel and whether or not you can leave your home... has depleted resources for an economic crisis. And, no one bats an eye because they trust the luciferian government. See how easy that was. They now control you and everything about your life by a disaster they created. Mass panic, hysteria, order out of chaos...The Freemason Way."
    Awaiting account deactivation, no longer available. Be safe, all the best!

  14. #14
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    My comment didn’t imply warm weather killed it, but made a less friendly environment. Since it is spread by physical contact the spread rate will of course be high.
    Good manners and courtesy open more doors than they ever close and they cost you nothing.
    CBJ Haters Militia member

  15. #15
    Retired Companion
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    Lightbulb yikes

    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberly Kisses View Post
    Your research didn't tell you it only has a 2 percent fatality rate? Lol.
    Where do you get your news? InfoWars??

    I am scared for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberly Kisses View Post
    Every year a new virus is created to impose more control.
    No, there is not.

    Especially during election years... 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberly Kisses View Post
    Did you miss that certain areas are under Martial law? Yah, that is the goal...control.
    Please check your sources.

    I know exactly what article you're talking about. 2

    So, if the government can't control our internet with these fake news sites,
    then I wish them luck trying to control us with this out of control disease.......

    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberly Kisses View Post
    Freak out over nothing if you like, but it's nothing more than flu symptoms.

    Meanwhile, in Italy.......

    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberly Kisses View Post
    If your immune system is wack, you will catch everything.
    Ok, so take care of yourself as best as you can while exercising precautions during flu seasons, pandemics, etc.

    Prevention is the best medicine for all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberly Kisses View Post
    It's literally mass hysteria, not ebola.
    plz don't compare this to Ebola....

    Ebola may be deadly, but it is not airborne nor is it contagious when showing NO symptoms

    Quote Originally Posted by albundy v2.0 View Post
    I was thinking about hooking up tomorrow with a local working girl, but just saw that this freaking Corona virus has now made it’s way down here. Damn thing is apparently easy to catch.
    It's so easy to catch that the pathogens can remain in the air for three hours. Even after the infected host leaves the area. 3

    so, you're not only at high risk of exposure when banging working girls........

    Quote Originally Posted by albundy v2.0 View Post
    Not too concerned about myself, but don’t want to pass that to my kids and relatives with health issues.
    your kids can pass it on to you, silently

    the disease affects children mildly or they'll have no symptoms at all;
    however, they'll still be contagious. 4

    Quote Originally Posted by SoSexyMsTerri View Post
    Like someone else said, you're more likely to get an std.

    Airborne diseases such as CV can infect you before the fun even starts....

    Respiratory droplets are released from an infected person by either speaking, sneezing, coughing, etc.
    and expose an uninfected person as it travels in the air (doesn't travel that far) and reaches their mucuous membranes 5

    CV can also be transmitted by direct contact via an infected person who's asymptomatic, 6
    and it can spread via indirect contact such as touching a contaminated surface, object,
    and then touching your face; eye, mouth, nose

    Quote Originally Posted by SoSexyMsTerri View Post
    Someone at walmart told me people are roaming around from highly affected areas presumably without being tested. She saw their passport. Govt says it's a big deal, but people from italy/china are roaming around with no testing and no quarantine. ��*♀️
    Meanwhile, in South Korea........ 7

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