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Thread: COVID19

  1. #31
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    In a secret, heavliy defended, underground lair somewhere in the OH2 Badlands
    I am not going to hide at my house because of all the media hype over COVid19. I have done a lot of work on my bike during the Winter and I’m going to Port A tomorrow to check out the Spring Break chicks.
    Newbie members friendly. Troll inhospitable & I have an ever growing troll ignore list!!!
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  2. #32

  3. #33
    Verified Companion Companion MeetJadeRose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roksana View Post

    I got it covered. Lol
    And I always have bleach on hand.
    Austin’s Voluptuous CW Unicorn💋
    Former Award Winning/AVN Nominated BBW Performer

  4. #34

  5. #35
    Verified Hobbyist BCD KosherCowboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
    We should all be safety concious...from day one.....just stay safe/sane and well!
    Well said, and it is an individual choice for all of us. No right or wrong, just like our sexual activities. Decide your own risk/reward if one wants to engage in P6 these days. As for me, I am not scared. I can get this virus from the guy who handed me my Coke at Taco Bell just as easy as I could getting coughed on in line buying toilet paper in HEB or visiting some girl.

    I guess either way due to the travel restrictions that I do not really agree with ( of course I am biased) and Delta's announcement that they are parking 300 planes and grounding all flights to Europe except London this means time to return to making my rounds here and diverting $X I usually spend per month there to the local girls here. I'd go if I could, I am just not one to live in fear; rather one to enjoy life. When my day comes, it comes. We'll make it thru this, turn off CNN and one might see the sky isn't falling, just the market although got some relief today. IMHO CNN isn't helping world markets either panic peddling this shit here nonstop knowing full well world markets follow Wall Street. Everyone of those assholes should be fired w the exception of Wolff Blitzer; always liked the guy.

    Here is what baffles me. Trump issues a travel ban and state of emergency. I get my temperature checked and screened by Delta security in Frankfurt DE. After immigration I got screened again. After security I got grilled by the German Federal Police with questions as hard as El Al Airlines asks. I had no choice but to tell them what I was doing in GER; they won't fall for lies. They had medical check my temperature even my pulse and heartbeat and blood pressure, shined lights in my eyes and all this was leaving. So what about entering the United States?

    Nothing !! 'Have you been to China?' was the extent of the screening in the United States. WTF? The Germans are more concerned with me entering the United States than the United States is! The plane was full. 2 other planes landed from GER the same time as well as flights from Paris, Zurich and a few other cities. Thousands of passengers AFTER this ban was announced including EU nationals and US Citizens all just walked right in to this country being asked only about China. Not one person was screened with questions. Not one person was given a health check. This was just Atlanta so I think it is safe to say when you add in JFK LAX SFO ORD DTW IAD etc. that tens of thousands of folks entered this country as if it was any day of the year. My friend arrived today from Madrid; nothing at the Miami airport. ' Welcome back'; the guy had been in Thailand also.

    The cuff doesn't match the collar, mass panic in the streets and CNN and nothing being done in the airports? Makes no sense at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Cid View Post
    The media panic is unwarranted.
    and disgusting as well, to try to use this as a political poker chip. I just saw on CNN ' Breaking News: President Trump seen shaking hands'; give me a fucking break. Is there not something else going on with this virus worldwide to report on that it is even worth wasting 5 minutes discussing if the President shook hands or not. No government is perfect, none have the answers and this country should take a lesson from some of these other countries and cut this divisiveness behaviour out. As I toggle channels it appears a few wish to panic peddle not just with this virus but the economy. MSNBC had a chart showing the drop in the DOW since President Trump addressed the nation. I guess they missed the memo that the FTSE CAC DAX and every other index from Hong Kong/ Japan, Brazil etc. all getting butchered. Only the DOW! All because of Trump. What a bunch of biased bullshit; It's disgusting to see all this shit being reported on in a fashion ' anything to get this President out. These fuckers sure can make up crap for their viewers but seems they forget the China travel ban weeks ago. Grotesque and unfair reporting adding to the fears of the average viewer for political gain. Simply wrong.

    and we have food, water and plenty of facilities for what we will face and we will not run out of toilet paper. My advise is turn off the television and simply follow your heart and your gut and as always..

    to each their own.. As you wish.. Have fun either way. If one wants to not engage in P6 so be it, I respect their choice and am not out to judge anyone.
    Last edited by KosherCowboy; 03-13-2020 at 07:09 PM.

  6. #36
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Cid View Post
    The media panic is unwarranted. It's COVID19 because there have been 18 before. We survived the first 18 and we will survive the 19th too.
    Quote Originally Posted by 3daygetaway View Post
    Pretty sure the 19 comes from its year of origin: 2019. I didn’t investigate it though.
    I think your comment MAY be fake news. I’m not trying to be political, but I am concerned for Americans who aren’t interested in taking this seriously.
    A lot of Fox viewers I know are saying it’s hype or Democratic hoax (still). If you think the panic/precautions are being influenced by the media, take a look at the rest of the world: they are doing the same things, despite different politics and media paradigms.
    In the animal kingdom, illness often kills the weak as a way to make the herd stronger. In the human world, the disease will take out the cavalier and ignorant as well. I suspect a disproportionate number of Fox viewers will be affected because they increased their exposure after their trusted media outlet misled them.
    My advice: on THIS subject at least, if none other, visit the webpage of a non-political health organization you trust and see what they’re saying.
    3day and Ellen are right about the 19 being the 2019 identifier. The part about the 18 before is misleading wherever you read that El Cid.

    There are not 18 others. However there are 4 others very active in humans. No one is bothering to tell the general public this info though. I'm not about all the Fox vs CNN stuff and all that b/c I don't align with a political party, I vote for who has the ideals that align with my values for social justice and so on and who seems the most charismatic, honest, and capable of leading. At any rate though it does bother me that we have scared the living shit out of a huge section of the world.

    About 1 in 4 colds that each of us get right now, and for many decades in the past too, are caused by 1 of 4 very well known coronaviruses. This is just a 5th one. Two of the coronaviruses I'm speaking about have been documented since the 1960s!! They literally cause 25% (on avg) of all colds in humans.

    Lots of times you might think it was a rhinovirus such as a particular strain of the flu but nope lots of the time it's one of these 4 coronaviruses: 229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1

    What likely happens if we can't find a way to burn this one out quickly or as the summer months come if it proves to be resilient against heat and humidity (most coronaviruses and rhinoviruses aren't which is why cold season is winter/spring) then what happens basically is that we end up with a 5th endemic community and seasonal cold which will need to be innoculated for every season much like the 3 major strains of influenza rhinovirus. We don't want that bc it means more stress on the hospitals, medical system, insurance, additional deaths, etc...

    Oh and back to more of my talking points on how we will see these percentages keep going down (mortality rates)? Take a look at my older data in this thread and associated CoV threads.

    For the US (per CDC daily confirmed figures):

    Roughly a week or so ago: 400 cases, 21 deaths = 6% mortality

    Few days ago as more testing gets in place, and more reports come in: 1215 cases, 36 deaths = 2.9% mortality

    Yesterday's official CDC#: 1625 cases, 41 deaths = 2.5% mortality

    Today's presumptively confirmed: 2000 cases, 41 deaths = 2% mortality

    Many experts are also saying it will be under 1% just as I've postulated. It's high in the beginning b/c there are so many cases that are unreported.

    I'm not saying it will absolutely hold the same curve but if it did hold the same as the last 10-20 days indicate then the US rate could easily get as low or lower than influenza.

    For example if we stayed at the same trend in 10-12 more days (from what CDC data gives us above) we get this hypothetical, but very plausible scenario:

    US cases = 2000 (presumptive) * 500% (cumulative 10 day growth rate in cases) = 10,000 cases, 41 (current deaths) * 1.28% (cumulative 10 day death rate increase) = 52.48 deaths. Mortality rate at that point: 52.48 / 10,000 = .005248 or .5%.

    Still not as low as influenza in terms of percentages/rates but you can see that's with just 10,000 cases. It becomes miniscule if we goto 50,000 cases and that death rate stays on course too.

    3day gives some damn sound advice.

    Do not listen to any source, none, without checking with the CDC or WHO or DHHS first. Not mine, not the news, not a doctor, not your favorite TV show. You can like it. You can believe it. But do not believe it on blind faith alone. Even my numbers. Go check them. At least verify the CDC data is correct in terms of numbers of cases and deaths. If you want to trust me then I'm flattered but you should always verify with a trusted source that's not politically affiliated and is a credible resource for the information, like the CDC or WHO in this case.
    Last edited by mathguy; 03-13-2020 at 08:06 PM. Reason: Spelling (?) One or two things.

  7. #37
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lovinglifeinaustin's Avatar
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  8. #38
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    ^ I miss him. One of my dad's favorite comedians too. Thanks for that James. Was laughing my ass off. I love that whole germ segment. That's one one of his best specials ever too.

    Haha, "in my neighborhood no one ever got polio! Ya know why? Hmm!? Bc our immune system was tempered in raw sewage and shit! We swam in raw sewage & shit in the Hudson River just to cool off! Polio never had a fuckin chance with us!"

  9. #39
    Verified Hobbyist BCD risn2theoccasion2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SweetKimberly View Post
    Dear Hobbyists,

    How likely are you not hobby during the COVID scare?

    How likely are you to continue to hobby?

    Would you only see providers you've seen before?

    Would you see a new provider?
    I will, but only with ladies I know and trust.
    Ask about any of my past encounters.

    Rudeness is the weak persons imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer

    Supporting selfish people is a waste of time and energy! They will always find an excuse to blame you for their own mistakes!
    ― Lily Amis

    As you proceed through life, following your own path, birds will shit on you. Dont bother to brush it off. Getting a comedic view of your situation gives you spiritual distance. Having a sense of humor saves you.

  10. #40
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    Truthfully it spread like the flu, and myself nor anyone should be in the neighborhood of spreading that. Mild or not, it likely ruin your work week.

    I had a session recently. Not sure when the next will be. That's the hobby for me

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProSlacker View Post
    I don't plan to make any changes, but I am less likely to see a travelling provider since they might see more people on a trip here.

    As for the flu trouncing on COVAD-19 in sheer numbers, I think it is too early to make that determination. Consider that there are vaccines for the flu and there are antiviral medications that can be used to treat it. Antivirals are being tested on COVAD-19, but it's too early for results, and there isn't a vaccine.
    You actually believe in Vaccines???
    I haven't vaccinated in 30+ years and my friends are the same. None of us have ever gotten sick...........
    I know people that get vaccinated and get the same problem they got vaccinated for!!
    Coincidence?? I let you decide.........

  12. #42
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Adonisman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KosherCowboy View Post
    Well said, and it is an individual choice for all of us. No right or wrong, just like our sexual activities. Decide your own risk/reward if one wants to engage in P6 these days. As for me, I am not scared. I can get this virus from the guy who handed me my Coke at Taco Bell just as easy as I could getting coughed on in line buying toilet paper in HEB or visiting some girl.

    I guess either way due to the travel restrictions that I do not really agree with ( of course I am biased) and Delta's announcement that they are parking 300 planes and grounding all flights to Europe except London this means time to return to making my rounds here and diverting $X I usually spend per month there to the local girls here. I'd go if I could, I am just not one to live in fear; rather one to enjoy life. When my day comes, it comes. We'll make it thru this, turn off CNN and one might see the sky isn't falling, just the market although got some relief today. IMHO CNN isn't helping world markets either panic peddling this shit here nonstop knowing full well world markets follow Wall Street. Everyone of those assholes should be fired w the exception of Wolff Blitzer; always liked the guy.

    Here is what baffles me. Trump issues a travel ban and state of emergency. I get my temperature checked and screened by Delta security in Frankfurt DE. After immigration I got screened again. After security I got grilled by the German Federal Police with questions as hard as El Al Airlines asks. I had no choice but to tell them what I was doing in GER; they won't fall for lies. They had medical check my temperature even my pulse and heartbeat and blood pressure, shined lights in my eyes and all this was leaving. So what about entering the United States?

    Nothing !! 'Have you been to China?' was the extent of the screening in the United States. WTF? The Germans are more concerned with me entering the United States than the United States is! The plane was full. 2 other planes landed from GER the same time as well as flights from Paris, Zurich and a few other cities. Thousands of passengers AFTER this ban was announced including EU nationals and US Citizens all just walked right in to this country being asked only about China. Not one person was screened with questions. Not one person was given a health check. This was just Atlanta so I think it is safe to say when you add in JFK LAX SFO ORD DTW IAD etc. that tens of thousands of folks entered this country as if it was any day of the year. My friend arrived today from Madrid; nothing at the Miami airport. ' Welcome back'; the guy had been in Thailand also.

    The cuff doesn't match the collar, mass panic in the streets and CNN and nothing being done in the airports? Makes no sense at all.

    and disgusting as well, to try to use this as a political poker chip. I just saw on CNN ' Breaking News: President Trump seen shaking hands'; give me a fucking break. Is there not something else going on with this virus worldwide to report on that it is even worth wasting 5 minutes discussing if the President shook hands or not. No government is perfect, none have the answers and this country should take a lesson from some of these other countries and cut this divisiveness behaviour out. As I toggle channels it appears a few wish to panic peddle not just with this virus but the economy. MSNBC had a chart showing the drop in the DOW since President Trump addressed the nation. I guess they missed the memo that the FTSE CAC DAX and every other index from Hong Kong/ Japan, Brazil etc. all getting butchered. Only the DOW! All because of Trump. What a bunch of biased bullshit; It's disgusting to see all this shit being reported on in a fashion ' anything to get this President out. These fuckers sure can make up crap for their viewers but seems they forget the China travel ban weeks ago. Grotesque and unfair reporting adding to the fears of the average viewer for political gain. Simply wrong.

    and we have food, water and plenty of facilities for what we will face and we will not run out of toilet paper. My advise is turn off the television and simply follow your heart and your gut and as always..

    to each their own.. As you wish.. Have fun either way. If one wants to not engage in P6 so be it, I respect their choice and am not out to judge anyone.
    Scoop Kosher Cowboy. Roving sex addict reports from the battle field. Good info and I agree!! All fuking horseshit media blowing it out. Killing mortgage rates too!!

  13. #43
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lovinglifeinaustin's Avatar
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  14. #44
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    Any members hitting Port A for Spring Break this weekend, hit me up. We can have a few drinks. I hear salt is a virus deterrent. Plenty salty air in Port A.

  15. #45
    Verified Hobbyist BCD KosherCowboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday View Post
    Any members hitting Port A for Spring Break this weekend, hit me up. We can have a few drinks. I hear salt is a virus deterrent. Plenty salty air in Port A.
    Enjoy the ' Holiday' and the salt. I am not sure if there is any merit to the salt thing but I can say in Europe some countries have salt caves in the Thermas and they are full now. I have been to one and all I can say is I think they say one hour in the salt cave is equal to breathing the salt in the air at the beach for I think a month. My lungs never felt so clear and never did I feel so good and relaxed. Perhaps since this virus effects the respiratory system there is some merit to what you say. Thanks for sharing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adonisman View Post
    Scoop Kosher Cowboy. Roving sex addict reports from the battle field. Good info and I agree!! All fuking horseshit media blowing it out. Killing mortgage rates too!!
    I thread the needle on that trip for sure. No one knows for sure but I felt the clubs will soon close ( some have, in Switzerland too) so why not get my last lickings in because if this four year dream life comes to a halt and I think will be three months minimum, girls all scrambling home if they can but are broke. If they are not out this week they'll get stuck as RO and BG will soon close their borders. I can't save them all, never give money to them but did fly one home and than broke my own protocol and sent her enough Euros to last her a month in her poverty stricken country.... Very tough times there and she truly needs help; and it is real over there but here?

    Full blown media causing this panic. Just got back from HEB ( you know the one) and everything is gone, the sky is falling ! Sex addict is right, I am looking in to London as a POE now or might have to just go to Colombia or Panama the next few months for fun and ride this storm out.

    On the bright side; in 30 years of doing this in the USA I have NEVER seen such deals and bargains out there and girls working for up to 33% ( some more) off their ' advertised rates'. Great times guys, if willing to play ball it's never been so modestly and well priced..

    Have fun all. I know I will. Just not sure where to go yet...
    Last edited by KosherCowboy; 03-14-2020 at 11:07 AM.

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