February and August are the two worst hobby months of the year.

* short month means rent and bills come sooner than usual
* Credit card bills come due from Christmas spending
* Valentine's day eats up our clients descretionary income
* Business owners have taxes.

So if business was slow last month I just want you to know that its not your fault and March is the beginning of a prosperous time, each month better than the last, all the way till the middle of July.

And our economy dictates that we stop offering discounts and start demanding what we are worth! Sure, reward your regular suitors, but don't let these guys haggle you lower than your comfort zone. Don't let these guys fool you into thinking that they can't afford to pay your worth. I'm not saying price gouge, but I am Saying you can rest assured that whatever you ask, there is someone out here who can afford it and who would love to tribute it to you.

This comes from the antique who has studied the trends for the last ten years. And yes, I've gotten curvier and yes I've gotten older and still, I turn down more requests than I can accommodate. So know you ladies are worth every penny you feel you are worth and settle for nothing less because the drought is over. You are welcome!