Hey everyone 🌻🌹 (truly wanted to hear you ladies and gents opinions.)
So lately I’ve been simply missing things like cooking for someone, dates, cute yard work, trips, events etc with someone.

I sometimes find myself getting too personal. Really treating them like someone I’m with and have known.
I recall one situation where he stated “this feels too much like couple sh*t”. Which made me really feel as if I need to be “cold” and straight to business.
I haven’t found a happy medium where I’m not too friendly but not too cold. It’s either one or the other with me. It’s frustrating because I don’t want folks to be scared away at the fact I like a more personal companion/hobbyist relationship.

I’m one of the nicest people one can meet, but I’m learning that’s not what men like in this business who decide to see me.

Is there truly a such thing as too much?
Ladies, do you feel you have to be someone else during SOME encounters? I feel when a man clearly wants to get right to business, I’m more reserved and my wall goes up. I don’t think I’m as fun unless I’m able to get personal. (Not invasive)
I like to talk, laugh, joke, snuggle 🥺. All that good stuff. Yet I’m getting men who just want me naked soon as they see me.

Do clients exist that want more? Heck guys have told me they were sick and I’ve wanted to nurse them back to health by making Elderberry syrup lol Pretty wild.

(Praying this is the right section for this😬)