Quote Originally Posted by Bonferroni View Post
Loved Star Trek and Star Wars as a young lad! Love it even more now!

Witcher was awesome! Most watched Netflix show to date, I have heard.

Some other shows that might be in interest to y’all:
Firefly and the movie Serenity. If you have not seen either, start with the movie Serenity. If you like it, then start with the Firefly series
Babylon 5... space opera but absolutely loved it
Supernatural... not SF. More horror genre but binge worthy
Lol! Aww man! Firefly was excellent! Serenity movie was what drew me in. Sucks they only had one season.

I was going to also mention horror as a sister to sci-fi....kind of, but wasn't sure. Yes i agree Supernatural is good. A couple of good scary sci-fi.... The Fourth Kind, and Event Horizon. Hell yeah.
Call me childish, but i also really Stranger things. Reminds me of Super 8.