Quote Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
E board is drama filled so lets keep it light-hearted here......this board and staff rocks!!

So keep it real....drop a nice note behind every comment... i will start

I love...
Open minded people
Sex sex more sex (and not JUST the act,but the whole journey)
Sexy calves on men
German chocolate cake
And chocolate covered cherries

I too am a huge fan of open mindedness..
I love bingeing with someone ...lots of pizza, wine, meat and cheese boards are a fav

Any movie/series non-fiction
Comedy... depends on who's stand up

I live, love and laugh for horror, I grew up with a family that love to scare people outta their witts but what True Texan doesn't lol

Tacos are my favorite ESPECIALLY AVOCADO TACOS

Dessert hmmm I'm more of a Bailey's night cap kinda gal