I gifted a bottle of wine to another provider months ago and it was done discretely because I don't hand deliver anything to someone in this industry these days and will not go to their address, learned my lesson. (You don't get personally involved with someone that will falsely accuse you of stalking them when you start seeing their clients. Territorial escorts get messy.
Anyway, I took the wine to a parking lot wrapped in sales paper (She spoke about walking to Big lots and I only knew of one in Metairie so, I left it there for her to pickup if she wanted it. I didn't know her address and didn't want it. The ONLY reason I gifted her was she once mentioned getting me a personal item (not going to mention) but I passed. The gesture she made was very nice and I returned the favor.
The escort gave me the exact name of the wine and knew I was getting it for her.... Wasn't a surprise