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Thread: Ladies what are you looking for, in a man's career

  1. #1
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    May 2018

    Ladies what are you looking for, in a man's career

    Hello Ladies, gentlemen you can reply too.
    I was watching TV awhile back and saw a woman on the Steve Harvey show say she couldn't find a man.
    One of her comments on what she wanted and didn't want was that he not work construction,as if those men weren't good enough.
    Just for the sake of transparency I am an electrician. I thought her comment was quite shallow.
    What do you ladies look for in a man's career and is it a deal breaker if he doesn't meet that standard.
    I would appreciate your answers. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    BANNED - failure to respect community rules-- again!
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    Balls Deep
    Those honorable tradesman that you speak of that women look down upon with such contempt will be the most sought after men after the great reset (It's coming get your popcorn ready).

    For you see you can wipe your ass with a degree from an Ivy League University when their is no electricity coming out of the wall or water running out of your faucet.

    When you have to kill or be killed in order to survive is when these men will be looked upon with great RESPECT and DESIRE once again. And not until then.
    Last edited by Vanilla Gorilla; 09-27-2019 at 02:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Retired Site "Guide"
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    Jan 2009
    Here now. Not there.
    Thread moved as it is not hobby related. Dnice, you may be on the wrong site. The ladies here don't really care what you do for a living. Your cash is just as green as anybody else's. ijs

  4. #4
    BANNED - failure to respect community rules-- again!
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    Balls Deep

    Lightbulb Raising your rates again? Good luck with that....

    Quote Originally Posted by Dnice View Post
    Hello Ladies, gentlemen you can reply too.
    I was watching TV awhile back and saw a woman on the Steve Harvey show say she couldn't find a man.
    One of her comments on what she wanted and didn't want was that he not work construction,as if those men weren't good enough.
    Just for the sake of transparency I am an electrician. I thought her comment was quite shallow.
    What do you ladies look for in a man's career and is it a deal breaker if he doesn't meet that standard.
    I would appreciate your answers. Thanks in advance.
    Ladies you may want to read this before you consider raising your rates again?

    Marriage Rates Are Falling Due To Shortage Of "Economically Attractive" Men, Study Finds - CLICK HERE!

    "In other words: America's men are too unemployed, broke and sad to marry."

    Gee I wonder what is happening out there?

    It's a great time to be a woman, you ladies are making bank. The guys like me, not so much. They wont even hire us (Over qualified).

    But don't let facts and REALITY stand in your way...Charge whatever you want.
    Last edited by Vanilla Gorilla; 09-28-2019 at 01:00 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    In Limbo
    Cheaper to buy pussy than be in a marriage with no sex

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lovinglifeinaustin's Avatar
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    West of Weird in beautiful Dripping Springs
    Wow! There is so much I want to say in response, I don’t know where to start. I hope I don’t ramble.

    Uni, your comment may or may not be true. I don’t know. It may well be cheaper to buy pussy than be in any marriage, with or without sex. But being old fashioned, I tend to defend marriage, or at least partnerships between two people committed to loving and supporting each other. I’ve been married almost 30 years to my second wife. I’m still on my honeymoon. That might sound strange coming from a lecherous philandering husband. But I successfully rationalized the combination of my happy marriage and my hobby shenanigans.

    OP, I understand how you might be offended by the woman’s comment. Yes it’s shallow. Some women want to marry only doctors. But you can hold your head high in the trade that you pursue. There are women who will appreciate you for your choice of profession. Just ignore the others.

    I don’t share VG’s dystopian view of the world. He might be right. I just choose to be a little more optimistic. The link he shared was interesting. I liked this one better.

    VG, regarding your comment about being overqualified. In the business world that translates to too old and overpriced. I hear that. Don’t you imagine that some women here feel the same pain, being barraged daily by comments from men wanting younger and cheaper pussy?

    In the end, Batman is right, The ladies here don't really care what you do for a living. So hobby on and keep a smile on your face.
    Loving life in Austin

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    In Limbo
    I have lost count through the years with men telling me it is cheaper to buy pussy than be in a sexless relationship.
    You can still be married or divorced and not get sex either way, paying for it is always an easier option and I don't discriminate on the man's profession. Topic is about a job and not someone's marriage status sooo we are going to keep it on track.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I am like loving, so much I can say but don’t know where to start.

    One thing I noticed is that female’s unrealistic expectations. Older women know that love some to get marry. Younger generation’s view is you can’t love me without love. These younger generations need to know that someone making $50k can be richer than someone making $150k. I won’t go into explain because if you don’t get how, you will never get it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    When it comes to a man's career...

    I look for dedication and passion. I've been with men who were white collar and blue collar. You can have all the money in the world and still not feel complete. I have seen men who work labor jobs, and have a great outlook on life. I have also seen men who had more money than they knew what to do with it and they were not happy. When you're happy where you work, it shines through in other areas of your life. Just like when your miserable where you work-it puts a damper on life as well.

    As, for me, I have always had labor jobs rather than sitting behind a desk .I loved moving around all day and getting sweaty and feeling like I accomplished something. But that is just a personal preference.

    I would take passion and dedication over deeper pockets any day.

  10. #10
    Verified Companion Companion AstridB's Avatar
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    It doesn't matter to me as long as they are happy and have passion for what they do. I have loved people from all walks of life and with different talents. One person's strengths are not better than someone else's.
    Asstrid Black (503) 512-0392

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