You just need two ladies to vouch for you. This is a cut and paste of whats required from the sticky

Welcome to ourhome2!

You are set to registered member (not verified) status based on available data.

If you want full Verified Hobbyist privileges (so you can read hidden review comments) and enjoy the verified hobbyist only private forums, please have at least two established providers here or elsewhere confirm sessions from the past 90 days. They may confirm you by PM-ing me or mail me at

Yes, this is unlike other hobby community sites but that is intentional.

Otherwise you may post reviews as usual and possibly earn (limited) bcd/ros privileges based on those reviews. If that session (not the review) is confirmed by the Companion, you will have full verified hobbyist privilege.

If not unconfirmed, you will have limited BCD/ROS access to reviews and basic hobbyist only forums, but no access to the "secured" coed forums for verified hobbyists and verified companions.

Home2 has no paid premium access.

Companions here are equals with hobbyists; we are true partners in the hobby

Full vouching is required for access to the restricted local community forums e.g., the "underground" forums.

Thanks for joining home2 where respect is our key requirement for fun.

ck1942 administrator

p.s. please help folks you trust find home2!

p.p.s. "Pay it forward!" Your Verified Hobbyist status helps build the community when you vouch companion candidates to ck1942