Quote Originally Posted by Mature Companion View Post
I don't think a lot of folks know about the site. Unless they're further South.

It would help if ladies linked Home2 in their Ads on other sites and or on their personal websites.
It would lend to guys knowing about & utilizing this site.

As one who resides in Mississippi. Seems folks are still hugging Eccie..rather than venturing out to more useful hobby sites.


Its ridiculous that the ms forum isn't a hive of activity. With Al and TN forums not working as they should its really hurting the growth of the MS board. There are a lot of ladies who travel around the southern states who are not using it because it doesnt work in all the states they tour. So they not only dont use it they also tell other providers and tricks not to waste their time with it.

I have tried to contact who I can to get info on why some state forums dont allow you to post. I have yet to hear back. I am talking back channel with several providers who have told me that they have been asking for awhile about the posting issues in other states and have not heard back.

I think it would catch on and flourish if they only made the neighboring states forums function like the MS and LA ones do. Both MS and LA work flawlessly as far as I can tell. I guess its not a simple fix or there just isn't enough interest to make it worth the time of those who handle those things.

I just hate going to a site and seeing no adds and no showcases. It really sucks to see women asking where to go eat or what places they should visit when what they really want to do is say hey I am here I charge this much and here are nude pics of me. It just makes no sense to me that the MS board that works fine isnt catching fire. Maybe it will. TX sure did and Lousiana is really starting to gain momentum.

I have a feeling it will catch on. Especially if you ladies start using it to post ads. Nothing draws the men like a bunch of fine women posting ads letting guys know where they are even more so if they post pics. So if the ladies do their part I think the guys will show up and do their part.