Oh another thing. Uni I'm absolutely not trying to argue with you or be negative whatsoever. Not at all. I appreciate your feedback.

I know you were upset with my other posts about the recent legal topics. I'm truly sorry if those came off harshly. I honestly cannot imagine how they did though.

Those threads were asking for how this will affect things. I was giving my perspective & sharing my hypothesis. I was trying to make everyone feel better, but with objective data based on legal & societal data & precedent, knowledge of the slave trade across our world, as opposed to simply cheerleading or giving false promises or ways you could "disguise" ads (b/c that's still illegal, unfortunately, speaking strictly).

I assure you that there will not only be great platforms such as OH2 right now, but there will be others, great ones, and this industry will thrive. I have a unique perspective on that fact. I'm not simply cheerleading with an empty promise. I hope that you, or anyone else, can understand that was my position all along. I wasn't at all trying to invalidate the fact that you or others have concerns. No no no. No way. Of course you do. My goal has been to help alleviate it.

Anyway, I decided to add this reply because I really want you, or anyone else, to know that I'm not trying to invalidate concerns or "argue". I am in a position to have a unique perspective about this situation (btw it has zero to do with me being a man... wouldn't matter if I were a woman). I wanted to be able to share with the community in a way that alleviates concerns. I guarantee, absolutely *guarantee*, you and others will continue to have success, you will continue to have platforms to advertise, as well as hobbyists having playgrounds (again, without hobbyists what good is an ad; both are equally important to that economic dynamic).