I agree. I was taught in business "under promise and over deliver" - it works every single time. When I was in business I had an owner who told everyone his rental properties were beautiful. In reality, they were shitholes that I had to manage. He would tell me to say that the pool - had "sparkling blue water in it" no - it didn't - it was green. So I only said that when he was around and the rest of the time dealing with real people - I told them the truth - we have a pool but it's not currently functioning correctly and we are working on it. Folks respond to the truth so much better.

Quote Originally Posted by risn2theoccasion2 View Post
I personally have a limited budget, especially since I am spending a lot on medical treatments. I will never tell a business person what they have to charge. I will also spend my hard earned dollars where I can get the best value dollar for dollar. It's what makes the Free Market work so well. But the old saying "you get what you pay for" is not a constant adage. Regardless of price, a good business person will practice some simple Marketing 101 Basics, no matter what the commodity or service is.

1. Offering a valuable product/service you can produce/execute uniformly and consistently. (Keeping yourself fresh and clean, presentable and attractive, IOP, welcoming attitudes, Customer Satisfaction.)
2. Communicating well (and frequently) and building affinity with each target audience through the appropriate channels. (Good TCB)
3. Delivering the products, services, and benefits you’ve promised your consumers. Never promise what you can’t deliver. (Good BCD)
4. Repeating and expanding the process. (Consistency each time and making them want to come back)

It's not rocket science....actually pretty simple. But if a business is going to raise prices, they had better maintain or improve on their service to justify the increase. It's all about value.