I seem to not mind the injection...yes, they’re intramuscular, but I have found the right spot in my leg that hurts the least over time. One treatment I did try and quickly gave up was Testapel...that’s the one where they cut you open and feed dissolving pellets in between your skin and fat layer (not a hard thing to do with my lard ass...ha ha ha). The idea behind that treatment is there was no peak and valley with the T levels, and things gradually decreased over three months until it was time for another visit.

Man, not only did the operation LITERALLY turn out to be a pain in the ass, I never fully healed from the first treatment and my body rejected some of the pellets. So, I am now back to riding the ups and downs of the injections.

Oh - one other thing I had to work around was acne. But, I am on an oral antibiotic for that. It’s like my body is one giant ga,e of Whack a Mole...fix one thing and another pops up 😂. It’s all worth it in the end for certain!