Today is Sunday and I am thankful for a beautiful peaceful day.......I am always receiving unexpected blessings from unknown sources and some known ones. Today is another day I get to bless someone else because God has truly blessed me.
Each time someone tries to knock me down, God just lifts me right back where I started from and lifts me even more higher than I was before.

Today I will be Humble and agreeable with every person I come in contact with. I will help lift a #Sister up who may be needing encouraging words.....
Today I will be thankful for the food on my table, and remember to pray and thank God for the hands that prepared it and the finances from whince it came....
Today I will pray for strength to keep my tongue bridled and remember that the devil comes in many forms and will try my patience, but I will remain silent!!

I am thankful for many things today, but most of all I am thankful for the strength to write this...

What are you thankful for??

