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Thread: Are you funding the Border wall or ladders? THREAD CLOSED BY CK1942

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by WellEndowed1911 View Post
    Totally agree-tomorrow he's going to say that ISIS, Al-Queada are entering through Mexico and I think the majority of Americans will not buy into his lies. Trump is in a bad position and the longer the government shutdown takes place the worse it is for his administrations because it's affecting people who need their paycheck.
    Also, any one with common sense should know that the wall isn't going to be built over night-it's going to take anywhere between 2.5 to 4 years to fully complete-so by logic wouldn't this be a national crisis for the next 2.5 to 4 years? Give me a break!!!!
    absolutely, WE.. I suspect that same 36%, or whatever of hardcore Trumpists will think there is a crisis, and everyone else will recognize the charade. I actually saw some Republican operative last night, who said the laid off Government employees are vacationing right now, anticipating full back pay once they return to work. oh really? I wish I could put off current expenses indefinitely, hop on a Plane, and go party. your point about the time to build a wall, should be hammered by every Democrat over the next 24 hours, that one metric invalidates the whole speech tomorrow.

    I'm sure Fox and MSNBC will air the speech, and the analysis after should be entertaining.

  2. #47
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Precious_b's Avatar
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    Seeing that he has barred journalist from the White House Press Office, I see no reason why an impromptu speech about the border should be given a sounding board.
    Will always PM from this or the other site as initial contact.

    My Huckleberry

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Majesty View Post
    Nice discussion for a Board like this!

    I don't think the TV networks should air Trump's border wall speech tomorrow night. I see it as propaganda. 3 weeks ago Trump was ready to sign a CR.. Until Fox and friends decided he should hold firm for wall funding. Then it suddenly turned into a National Crisis, and we are over run with border folks. the Trump people have only one card to play.. The Joker National crisis card. Anyone with sense can see how this is playing out. The wall might be a good policy, but that ideal is buried under a wall of lies and subterfuge
    Is this because you don’t want the American People to hear the truth? He is going to tell you exactly what is happening at the border with facts directly from the border patrol people that work the border day and night 24/7 and DHS. The people doing the job are telling the president and us what they need to perform their job effectively.

    And for the love of all that is good...every last Democrat in the Obama years said that illegal immigration is bad for America and that a southern border wall was desperately needed and voted yes to fund and build the wall. All of them! Obama himself, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer and all the others. You can google and see for yourself that they are saying the exact same thing as president Trump. What in their minds has changed in a few short years?

    Here is Chuck!

    And you are not really saying Fox and Friends has persuasion over the presidents policy decisions...come on.
    Last edited by Goofy11; 01-07-2019 at 11:46 PM.

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
    absolutely, WE.. I suspect that same 36%, or whatever of hardcore Trumpists will think there is a crisis, and everyone else will recognize the charade. I actually saw some Republican operative last night, who said the laid off Government employees are vacationing right now, anticipating full back pay once they return to work. oh really? I wish I could put off current expenses indefinitely, hop on a Plane, and go party. your point about the time to build a wall, should be hammered by every Democrat over the next 24 hours, that one metric invalidates the whole speech tomorrow.

    I'm sure Fox and MSNBC will air the speech, and the analysis after should be entertaining.
    Exactly, the shutdown is not affecting many if any of them in regards to is just being delayed. They are all going to get back pay when this concludes. Why not take advantage of a delayed paid vacation? One of the perks of working for the don’t always have to work hard and on occasion get extended paid leave.

    Yes it takes time to construct a wall and yes if it stands as currently as is with thousands to tens of thousands illegally crossing our border daily it will be a crises for the next 2-4 years and may take a military presence like we have for the caravan to hold it in check for that long!
    Last edited by Goofy11; 01-08-2019 at 12:16 AM.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
    Seeing that he has barred journalist from the White House Press Office, I see no reason why an impromptu speech about the border should be given a sounding board.
    He barred 1 arrogant disrespectful ass wipe, which should have been done months if not a year ago! Acosta has zero class and is a pompous wiener head. He was incapable of showing any respect for anyone in the White House and the way he has been treating the press secretary from the very beginning and then the intern he manhandled a microphone from that was only trying to do her job was disgraceful.

    Yes reporters should be there to hear the reports and be able to ask questions and even tough questions but you have to respect the office of the presidency and the White House itself period, even if you can’t stand who is in it. If it were me not a single disrespectful reporter would be in my press room after a handful of warnings, at best they would be in a different room watching it on a monitor and could type in a question to an aid who could then ask the question for them.

    Not a single one of you would tolerate that type of behavior towards one or any of your employees from someone asking questions about your company. They would never be invited back ever and you know it.
    Last edited by Goofy11; 01-08-2019 at 12:18 AM.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goofy11 View Post
    Is this because you don’t want the American People to hear the truth? He is going to tell you exactly what is happening at the border with facts directly from the border patrol people that work the border day and night 24/7 and DHS. The people doing the job are telling the president and us what they need to perform their job effectively.

    And for the love of all that is good...every last Democrat in the Obama years said that illegal immigration is bad for America and that a southern border wall was desperately needed and voted yes to fund and build the wall. All of them! Obama himself, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer and all the others. You can google and see for yourself that they are saying the exact same thing as president Trump. What in their minds has changed in a few short years?

    Here is Chuck!

    And you are not really saying Fox and Friends has persuasion over the presidents policy decisions...come on.
    Goofy11, honestly do you feel your life is in danger because there is no wall? Where is the proof that ISIS, Taliban, or the boogey man is crossing through the border ready to attack America? These tactics don't work anymore- Reminds me during the Bush Era(George W) that every time his poll numbers dipped we would get a tape from Osama Bin Laden claiming he's going to destroy america and than gullible Americans go run and hide in fear of a man living in a cave stating he's going to destroy the most powerful nation on the face of the earth.
    Unless Americans are being killed in huge numbers by illegal immigrants no one is going to believe that this is some danger. The UE rate is 3.5% are there millions of americans who don't have jobs because of illegal immigrants?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Goofy11 View Post
    Exactly, the shutdown is not affecting many if any of them in regards to is just being delayed. They are all going to get back pay when this concludes. Why not take advantage of a delayed paid vacation? One of the perks of working for the don’t always have to work hard and on occasion get extended paid leave.

    Yes it takes time to construct a wall and yes if it stands as currently as is with thousands to tens of thousands illegally crossing our border daily it will be a crises for the next 2-4 years and may take a military presence like we have for the caravan to hold it in check for that long!
    So are you telling me the average government worker is living so confortable that they can go 2 to 3 weeks or longer w/o pay? Most people I know when they go on vacation they like to spend money and actually need money to go on vacation.

  7. #52
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Precious_b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goofy11 View Post
    He barred 1 arrogant disrespectful ass wipe, which should have been done months if not a year ago! Acosta has zero class and is a pompous wiener head. He was incapable of showing any respect for anyone in the White House and the way he has been treating the press secretary from the very beginning and then the intern he manhandled a microphone from that was only trying to do her job was disgraceful.

    Yes reporters should be there to hear the reports and be able to ask questions and even tough questions but you have to respect the office of the presidency and the White House itself period, even if you can’t stand who is in it. If it were me not a single disrespectful reporter would be in my press room after a handful of warnings, at best they would be in a different room watching it on a monitor and could type in a question to an aid who could then ask the question for them.

    Not a single one of you would tolerate that type of behavior towards one or any of your employees from someone asking questions about your company. They would never be invited back ever and you know it.
    Goofy, I did not say "a journalist." I have been looking for it but can not find an article (yet) when Trump closed the White House Press room (or barred journalist from it.) I don't know if/when he opened it again. But I remember seeing it in the media and thought "What a dick move." Every president before him has never barred the Fourth Estate.
    Will always PM from this or the other site as initial contact.

    My Huckleberry

  8. #53
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    Me personally in danger that is yet to be seen but my children and their children...yes if we keep,letting this happen at this rate. People always state that It is not going to happen to us, until it happens and then we are devastated. We normally are not concerned when things happen to others if it is not happening to us. But when it happens to us, well than it becomes real. This is real and could happen to any of us. Is the border control employees lieing to us in a conspiracy to build a wall. Look just a few years back at what the Dems where saying about the wall...they even funded 6.5 Billon when Obama asked for it. What has changed my friends? All the proof is in the videos of Chuck saying it is bad and we need to stop it back in 2009. Please listen to his words. He even says a wall will make it so much safer who could vote against this bill to spend 6.5 billion on a wall and border security...yes he said this!

    But I feel that question should be asked directly to the families of all of these Americans...

    Bin Laden killed over 3000 Americans on 9/11 from a cave! And was planning more but was hindered when he unleashed the rath of the most powerful nation on the planet, yet it took the most powerful and best armed nation a decade to find and kill him. He also managed to kill many brave American soldiers from those caves! Please do not ever forget that!

    No I am not saying some will not be affected by not being paid for a few weeks, months or year at all. It sucks for them big time because both sides of this stand off are being paid and are overly wealthy for a public servant that they are not affected and all and do not really care about those it is affecting. But the many employees that have saved for a rainy day or a government shut down (because it happens more often than it ever should) can yes probably enjoy a short vacation and for sure a staycation knowing they will eventually be paid. They are not laid off, they did not lose their job, they will go back to work and still make the same amount of money they were supposed to for the year.

  9. #54
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    I would like to read that article if it actually happened. I think it was just 1 journalist.

    I do believe Spencer banned video and recording by the reporters due to their grandstanding tactics. Dick move or not you cannot allow the press briefing reporters to be disrespectful yo the press secretary and staff or the White House, you just can’t. I would have pulled the dick move long ago. Ask a proper tough question like a grown adult not like an ass hat.

    In regard to no other president having to do something like that, at no other time in American History have reporters been so openly against a duly elected president and show such contempt and disrespect to the office that there was never a thought to have to pull a dick move.

    This is the highest office in the land show it the respect it deserves period! Like the man/women in it or not.

  10. #55
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    [QUOTE=WellEndowed1911;308638] The UE rate is 3.5% are there millions of americans who don't have jobs because of illegal immigrants?[QUOTE]

    I over looked this... the UE is the lowest since post WWII and the last report I saw was that we had (if I remember correctly) 700,000 more jobs available than people on unemployment to fill them. So no I do not believe we have millions of Americans who don’t have jobs because of this!

    But we do have (on a low estimate) 20 million illegal immigrants currently in the country with thousands to tens of thousands crossing our porous southern border daily and even endangering their children and some taking other people’s children on the dangerous trek t cross our border. Two of those children recently have died because they were placed in danger by an adult.

    Those 20+ million costs the tax payer (you & me) $70,000 each every year providing them with everything they need, housing, food, medical care, illegal protection from deportation... which by the way is a whole lot more than an American citizen can get on unemployment and welfare or even a job! A point of reference in the real world this was posted by someone else in another forum;

    “I have two friends on both midcare and food stamps one white and one latina and their requirments were diffrent the white mom of 2 who just lost her husband .. Was told that she had to have a job bringing in at least 200.00 a week in order to get food stamps and to get her kids on Medicaid but she herself could not be covered by it ....whereas the latino mom of 4 only requirment was she file child support with attorney general and her and her kids get full coverage medicaid close to a grand in f.s plus tanf of 500 every 2weeks.. No job required no nothing. So this is foolish because they have a tanner skin tone they arent held to the same standard as the white lady whose just lost her husband so she doesnt deserve medical coverage but the other woman does seems a bit double standard to me.”

    So what I feel we have is millions and millions and millions of illegal immigrants (most likely some US citizens, we all have bad apples) that are either not educated enough to get or hold a job or simply do not want to work and believe it is their right that the government provide everything for them.

    California is bankrupt from willing supporting illegal immigration and just keep raising taxes and creating special taxes to support the illegal immigrants...bankrupt! Not to long ago a state representative was asked about this and the fact that many tax paying citizens were leaving California. I kid you not he said that was a good thing they were leaving.

    New York has a 10% state tax just to support illegal immigrants and they just voted in Cortez who wants to tax you really wealthy guys at 70% once you reach a, you are too wealthy number... that is .80 cents of every dollar you make goes to the state.

    Again, immigration is good and needed for America it has made us who we are, but not illegal immigration with millions demanding we care for them. We need to balance our budget and work within its limits.
    Last edited by Goofy11; 01-08-2019 at 10:48 AM.

  11. #56
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  12. #57
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    Here is Bill...

    Here is Bill and Obama and this one probably says it all...

    I ask again my friends what has changed?

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goofy11 View Post
    Here is Bill...

    Here is Bill and Obama and this one probably says it all...

    I ask again my friends what has changed?
    Goofy11, I think the problem Trump made is making a promise that Mexico was going to pay for it fully-when he knew there was no way Mexico would pay for it directly.

    Also, I am still not understand if the U.S defense budget is 650 billion-why not scrap one of the projects and use part of the 650 billion to build the wall since it's somewhat related to defense.

    Also, Obama was adamant about Health Care just as much as Trump is about the Wall- what if Obama shut the government down until Congress passed ACA would you view it as the same? And if you don't think Health Care is a problem you are not genuine with yourself.

  14. #59
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    [QUOTE=Goofy11;308835][QUOTE=WellEndowed1911;308638] The UE rate is 3.5% are there millions of americans who don't have jobs because of illegal immigrants?

    I over looked this... the UE is the lowest since post WWII and the last report I saw was that we had (if I remember correctly) 700,000 more jobs available than people on unemployment to fill them. So no I do not believe we have millions of Americans who don’t have jobs because of this!

    But we do have (on a low estimate) 20 million illegal immigrants currently in the country with thousands to tens of thousands crossing our porous southern border daily and even endangering their children and some taking other people’s children on the dangerous trek t cross our border. Two of those children recently have died because they were placed in danger by an adult.

    Those 20+ million costs the tax payer (you & me) $70,000 each every year providing them with everything they need, housing, food, medical care, illegal protection from deportation... which by the way is a whole lot more than an American citizen can get on unemployment and welfare or even a job! A point of reference in the real world this was posted by someone else in another forum;

    “I have two friends on both midcare and food stamps one white and one latina and their requirments were diffrent the white mom of 2 who just lost her husband .. Was told that she had to have a job bringing in at least 200.00 a week in order to get food stamps and to get her kids on Medicaid but she herself could not be covered by it ....whereas the latino mom of 4 only requirment was she file child support with attorney general and her and her kids get full coverage medicaid close to a grand in f.s plus tanf of 500 every 2weeks.. No job required no nothing. So this is foolish because they have a tanner skin tone they arent held to the same standard as the white lady whose just lost her husband so she doesnt deserve medical coverage but the other woman does seems a bit double standard to me.”

    So what I feel we have is millions and millions and millions of illegal immigrants (most likely some US citizens, we all have bad apples) that are either not educated enough to get or hold a job or simply do not want to work and believe it is their right that the government provide everything for them.

    California is bankrupt from willing supporting illegal immigration and just keep raising taxes and creating special taxes to support the illegal immigrants...bankrupt! Not to long ago a state representative was asked about this and the fact that many tax paying citizens were leaving California. I kid you not he said that was a good thing they were leaving.

    New York has a 10% state tax just to support illegal immigrants and they just voted in Cortez who wants to tax you really wealthy guys at 70% once you reach a, you are too wealthy number... that is .80 cents of every dollar you make goes to the state.

    Again, immigration is good and needed for America it has made us who we are, but not illegal immigration with millions demanding we care for them. We need to balance our budget and work within its limits.
    Goofy11 you say Osama killed 3000 Americans?? When? Are you really that naive to think a man living in a cave in one of the poorest nations in the world pulled off 9-11??? If you still in 2019, don't think 9-11 was an inside job you have way too much faith in your government.

    Also, your clips of people who got killed by illegal immigrants is irrelevant. If a muslim or a Jew comes to this country and kills a citizen does that mean we shouldn't allow muslims or Jews to enter the country? The overwhelming numbers of immigrants are not committing crimes- you are always going to have outliers. There have been more people killed per year by police than by ISIS and/or Al-queada. Should we now brand Police as a threat to America?

  15. #60
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    Health care is a huge problem and needs some serious work. Absolutely zero disagreement here.

    However Obama Care is an outright disaster and was forced (unconstitutionally by the way) onto the American people. I did not get to keep my doctor as promised, many I know had their insurance doubled and tripled and Pelosi flat out stated that you had to pass the bill before we could know what was in the bill. Businesses could not afford it so they simply dropped their healthcare benefit making their employees spend a whole lot more to get Obama Care with a lot less care. It was not affordable or good for the country in any form or fashion.

    The focus should have been on beefing up Medicare and Medicaid and helping supplement county hospitals!

    The only good things that came out of Obama Care was that you could carry your children until age 26, that was awesome. And the pre-existing condition clause.

    But it did not and was obvious it would not ever help with the cost of medical care and forced many doctors to limit their scope of practice, I witnessed surgical sites and doctors office closing left and right.

    Mexico was never going to pay for the wall out of their budget, never. It will in effect pay for the wall through the savings we will be getting from the new trade deal and the lower tariffs they are making us pay to supplement their country.

    The defense budget is the defense budget...we have a global military presence (good or bad depending how you look at that concept) and really are expected to protect almost all other countries. That simply costs a lot! If we just focused on the US I bet it would be drastically lower.
    Last edited by Goofy11; 01-08-2019 at 04:43 PM.

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