Just finished installing 40 units. The installation is going much faster than I anticipated about 50-90 minutes per unit. I am determined to finish my 200 unit quota as soon as possible so I can get back to sailing. My partner has done 35 in the same time frame so he is a little less motivated. This project has the potential to be enormous as we are doing 800 units initially of the potential 9000 units available. Sorry I am being a little ambiguous for security.

The Mongering playground here has about 400 possibilities but the pickings are slim while the providers are anything but slim. Kind'a what I'd call a waste land. I picked up what turned out to be a civie at one of the base clubs. She is a horny young (about 30 YO) thing nice looking with great perky tits and all but raped me in the first 40 minutes back at my hotel, refused any money...the standard "I'm not a *****"..well OK do you suck dick??? YES and she is a pro at it. Thank you Cialis!!

Traveling today funny that even though I own 10 vehicles, nine of which are in Europe, I am renting a pick up to drive around Texas. My Texas truck is being used by my brother in law to haul cattle and when I saw it I was really disappointed that it is getting beat up which is typical for a ranch truck-I guess, it's a Ford F250 Super Duty. I told my brother in law to take it to a body shop and have it fixed, he said sorry and that he'd pay for the repairs...we'll see about that, he has one of my credit cards but he has never abused it so I do trust him.