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Thread: Can anyone log into Eccie?

  1. #46
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Precious_b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ck1942 View Post
    Well, well, well. True colors came out earlier in WD's PMs to management.

    And the subsequent ban imposed has nothing to do with ^^^ this post, which I saw only two minutes ago.

    I wouldn't figure you'd take action against a person for posting what you quoted.
    Will always PM from this or the other site as initial contact.

    My Huckleberry

  2. #47
    Verified Companion Companion britttany_love's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
    Be a good time to take bets to supplement your holiday $$$
    I was never good a gambling. I'm not to worried eccie went down before and we survived. I will just offer special incentives to my good regular clients as a thank you for consistently seeing me.

  3. #48
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
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    Always searching for UTR redheads, hot chocolattes & my next cuppa purrfect java
    Quote Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
    I wouldn't figure you'd take action against a person for posting what you quoted.
    WD cut his own bolt of cloth behind the scenes; violated some basics, like following through on staff instructions.

    My skin way thicker than any might suspect.

    My comments above were made to offset any speculation about motive.

    It just happened to be his final post.
    LINK! oh2 current situation report

    In these trying times, your patience and support are greatly appreciated. Stay safe out there!

    = = = = =

    Beating the review template gremlin! LINK for hobbyists


    FAQ: OH2's RULES! A Quick Read

    2024 Austin/San Antonio Meet & Greets
    San Antonio - cancelled- new dates TBA


    Ladies, please note:
    ck1942 doesn't vouch for hobbyists.
    -- "Verified hobbyist" is only a title; he should always be screened/vouched
    -- Very aware hobbyists always start a contact process by sending a PM before sending any texts!

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Fairy tale

    I am greatful my viison is with me an my faith has made me whole
    (whole-wheat BREAD-se-dent with Butter ) crumbs in trunk for birds
    I have faith in my (ORGAN HEALER AN whoms running OPERATIONS of my organs in body everyday)
    isn't always easy to have faith when we get sick an come down with COLD or diabetes
    I have faith in my creater that isnt always easy to repair heal like
    a nation that starveth for salvation as singer :JEWL has written
    I think of a soda pop nation of sugar drinks the soda escorting
    escorting our fecies down our intestines an Collins then out our ANUS
    ( AN-US hand-us crown diamonds)
    hand us crown diamonds
    not cup diamond looking ICE MINUS the soda pop
    hand us crown diamonds not a TUBE HEMMORIOD CREAM= THC
    see I almost lost my vision earlier this month an recall VISION 2020
    as a presidency ad'Slogan RUNNING for PRESIDENT or was it major of
    our town I was alittle girl SLOGAN I was paid to go door to door handing out
    papers/flyers like papers folded for flying planes my brother made I was young
    should been a young princess on aplane private instead handing out papers to make paper plans
    ( paper play planes akak the birds called paper birds)
    I was handing out working at age 7 going door to door with my sister
    for a man that was running an I was paid 5o an hour that's $5./0HOUR
    I don't think that man won after I passed out those flyers for him yet he paid me an my sister anyway
    he went by name BEEMER like BEEM me up scotty
    beem me up to either military or alian starship one might say beem me up I cant see scotty like you
    can cover your eyes like a blindfold made of tiloet paper I think scotty an
    "TOYSTORY " an BUZZ light year NATRAUL light BUZZ you can buy this for any "young prince/princess"
    an if short on cash don't STRESS YOUR ASS use the ASS paper an wrap it LIKE TERWRAP that's TERWRAP
    "TOY STORY MOVIE AN TOYS" great DISNEY gift for the season ah yes an then
    the song lyrics year was 2525 pops in my head I will google an search for that name song

    I am glad to have eyes be able to watch Disney movies and see everymorning
    Disney princess movies Cinderella an snow white
    "yet Marilyn manson current Tour :DEADLY apples I don't think that is nice like ice an applejuice"
    I think Marilyn manson making fun me often like snowwhite an seven drwarfs like snow white ICE an seven different sodas I think seven deadly sins an Sinbad an ocean travel world an seven seas ..... That's enough of Marilyn manson an this TOUR NAME I am not OK with
    yet I'm glad to have ears to hear MUSIC taste buds my mouth to taste soda juices an thankful two feet to walk with.
    I'm glad to have ears to hear Birds an nose an lungs to smell air even if it aint fresh mountain air ^^
    like ARKANSAS I'm greatful an I am greatful an thanksful
    I think of birds flying in air with perfect BIRD vision
    and year of the birds if there was such a thing in chinesee thers
    always a year of dog,pig any for BIRDS? ^^ Id love visit China
    Love to travel like the BIRDS an fly , when I was a "young president I mean a young princess
    my grandma would play song by her feet an rock in her chair :
    song,when I die halleluya by an by I'll fly away, ill fly away dear GLORY (glory-hole)
    I'll fly away , an I re'call Marilyn mansons TOUR one of last HALLELUYA TOUR BIRDS OF HELL
    he sand an posted his website "BIRDS OF HELL ARE WAITING" I think
    a.resident eveil birds flesh infected meat b.the birds I killed I was young
    in a airconditener a nest babybirds I pored bleach on because they carried mites
    I was taght to KILL birds insects like ants an roaches I wa syoung an MICE an BIRDS
    taught to kill BIRDS from the gutters when I was told an taught clean back patio gutters
    I was taught by same woman rocking in her rocking chair to run a hose to drow them an then clean
    gutters with bleach as one would clean out FILTERS to a soda machine , of which I was told can be
    very dirty between cleaning makes me think of a liver an cleaning with dialysis an not sure if
    diabtes is related to that or the BIRD-FLU to needing dialysis o wait that's KIDNEYS not LIVER yes?

    speaking organs

    Thank you is reason for season thank you for my organs my heart lungs my brain
    Thank you for my viison my eyes that I have this time year the greatest gift
    of all besides my lungs breathing my heart beating MY VISION most of all

    I also think of Birds ^^ an holiday season an reason for
    giving gifts on tees like making peanut butter
    BIRDSEEDTREETS to hand on trees instead of threats
    terroist threats an threats of ones vision loss^^much cause
    either TOO MUCH SUGAR SPIKES in blood sugar SODA POP
    or Maybe to much acidy in blood from sugar or perhaps being LOW
    from blood sugar HYPO-GLO-CE-MIC in that cause the lack of sugar
    an the ^^ reminds me that HIGH of the mountains DIABETIC SUGAR HIGH
    that symbols^^ mountains:HOME president CLINTON,BILL an mountains
    wher BIRDS fly high in air above the mountains I think EAGLES birds the band eagles
    an think of the waves ocean wher seagulls fly an then speaking holidays an reason
    seeing ^^feeding the birds like sightseeing an tourist not terroist
    OCEAN tourist sightseeing an feeding the birds id love go see the world travel
    the world an the seven seas^^ yet I am without a houseboat for the holidays
    an having vision trouble myself with the diabetes and hypoglocemic The drs haven't
    decidied which one to actually classified it as other than NUERAPOTHY an EMPATHY^^
    NE that's initials to Neurapothy an empathy that sempathy to the birds reason I feed
    I like to do my hobby of HOBBO on the street Christmas an hang presents edible
    underwaer for birds with peanut butter an seeds like shit in underwear yet tasty
    I like to give them nuts under tree for squierlls an make a coffeecake/cc for birds

    Alfred Hitchcock THE BIRDS I haven't seen the original nor seen the entire remake
    yet I enjoy a good cake an remake of feeding them yearly a great place in
    Oklahoma with a good view of the ^^mountains is LAWTON speaking the LAW
    the amendments the constitution the LAW the presidency militerry ,Militerry base
    Lawton houses many militerry I was down there years ago around intered the
    militerry area by mistake an almost got shot I wa swith my husband at time
    an he refused to turn around the gate guards told us turn around an had guns/firearms
    my husband an I was trying get to the mountains/water ^^ to camp an see the beauty
    theres a wonderful view near Lawton Oklahoma called medicine park an another
    couple other camping sites there with various names yet same color souroundings
    I'm sure the color of beauty.
    Beauty an beast could be called our ride/trip we had getting there from
    beauty was the view an beast was the journey ,not the best journey id still
    love to have 4 personal house boats north south
    east an west^+^ Upside down=w, that's w,est
    (1)Florida (2)MAINE/newfoundland (3)? (4)?

    I think of N/s/e/w an think of united states being like a BIRDS TREE /HOLIDAY TREE
    I think of EYES id draw on the tree for vision NEAR the top^^mountaians near top
    of the tree an think of mouth in middle like many TORNADOES that "open WIDE to EAT"
    an the bird seed TREETS hanging on tree to feed the nation of birds I think MCDONALDS
    fast food for feeding an happymeals like BIRD houses an I don't know many birds other than
    ones at Walmart parking lot that will drink soda from cups yet theres one particular place I like
    to leave a cup for them to drink next to Walmart in parking lot is trees that have fecies all under
    stained street )isn't staind a band name too?) anyhoo the streets are paved with GOLD_SHIT its gold
    to me because I love the Companion of these craetures even if just for five O the five minutes that I
    leave a cup to drink an I realize that the birds wasn't NORMAL BIRDS they was BATTS an
    that wanst just BIRDSHIT it was BATTSHIT an the birds of night (BATTS) didn't come down to dine on bread
    that night or drink yet wa svery loud like choir in church an music class we had in school I use to sing with
    very loud an greatful to be alive . The reason: Walmart ^^ and that's where your see crows drinking piles
    Fluid off ground an I try leave cup water I CUTT in half an leav eeevn soda if I got it handful seed
    or bread crumbs the reason for the season.

    The reason I'm posting this is sharing I enjoyed typing it an enjoyed sharing maybe if your missing eccie
    you may go out an feed the birds if you don't have any go to a Walmart there is many birds there to feed

    E'cc'ie Presidents wife
    Last edited by aYOUNGprincess; 12-18-2018 at 02:16 AM. Reason: Color change = Cc' E'cc'ie Presidents wife

  5. #50
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
    Join Date
    May 2018
    What on earth is this rambling nonsense? ^^^

    Please stop derailing the thread with random insanity.

  6. #51
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Agent220's Avatar
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by winndixie View Post
    But what happens jan 1st 2019 if ck is put in cuffs and this site gets shut down? All the proxies and out of country servers will not matter if the govt. wants him! The hobby will adapt and move on! Although a lot of providers will suffer until the void is filled!
    Good riddance to him.
    220: "2econd 2 n0ne"

    "Someday if you're lucky, you will wake up and realize you are old...your belly will go soft, your pretty ass will sag, your back will ache in the night; gray hairs will sprout from your ears. Make sure you fucked your fill before that day!"

    Oberian Martell "The Red Viper"...Game of Thrones

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Fairy tale
    [SIZE=6]^go^away^terroistTERROIST'^go^away^terroist Stewie griffen 290983
    ^go^away^terroist SHOO FLY SHOO caught FLY GRIFFEN SYRUP stuck like heads down thumbs up seven up THUMBS Up an ass stuck to seat like glue-syrup griffens like /cock roach on a glue board FREDDY KRUGGER ESCORTER in her sleep/dreams tonight
    go ebanezzer scre glue esclue escor to glue screw someplace else SHOO FLY SHOO

    'I am sharing the reason of the season ^Emapathy 'many are missing eccie
    I am missing my dead husband SHOO FLY SHOO
    I don't need a scrooge of a nation of posting of hateing instead salvation because
    I need a loving president a loving GOD
    simply found anothers post with ^empathy shared my viison of hope an story
    faith an alil holiday story" your "REPLY OF HATEFULNESS STEWIE GRIFFEN is
    GREED an JEAOLUSY, that is what you are jeaolous of orphans an starving
    writers an empathetic story tellers sharers around the world you are kind
    person reason ECCIE was shut-down GREEDY stingy ol woman bet u a
    woman like scrooge SCROOGE your self way from my posts your just
    jealous an after you es'grooge your self away from my posts mind
    your own buiessness
    TERROIST' Stewie griffen 290983 What on earth is this rambling nonsense?aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajohnyCRAZY.jpg
    ^go^away^terroist yes you STeWEIE GRIFFEN go away to the
    mountains ^^^ go fly with birds before they give u the BIRD
    I haer insane witches COOK women like u hanzel an Gretel withch
    at Christmas my granma was a witch a rich witch to bad she is passed
    away maybe id call ask her for a eccie recipe:shed puta spell on you,
    groiffen syrup an griffen jam add to this terrooist recipe that trying
    steal my post like in movie "the secret window with johnny depp, AAAAAJOHNNY know.jpg
    u trying steal my story... johnny kill sthem all like johnny cakes syryp
    easy wallffles^^ an eggs over ECCIE or undercooked with GRIFFIN griffet syrup ....
    u know griffen syruip companys in Muskogee along with which soda
    witch soda not witch yet which soda company ?
    DR.pepper/seven up
    STEWIE EWIE SYRUP heads down thumbs up NO time to play seven up
    with Stweie griffen syrup had enough time SHOO FLY SHOO terroist
    Quote Originally Posted by Stewie griffen View Post
    What on earth is this rambling nonsense?^go^away^terroist
    yes you STeWEIE GRIFFEN go away to the mountains ^^^
    go fly with birds before they give u the BIRD lat STEW an griffen syrup SHOO FLY SHOO

    Please stop derailing the thread with random TERROISTS ^go^away^terroist insanity.
    yes you go eat stew with griffen syrup an fly to mountains
    Last edited by aYOUNGprincess; 12-18-2018 at 03:59 AM. Reason: terroist attack to post ebanezer screwge SHOO FLY SHOO

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Fairy tale

    nsane witches COOK women like hanzel an Gretel witch

    I haer insane witches COOK women like u hanzel an Gretel witch
    [COLOR="#008000"][SIZE=5]cook women like u hanzel an Gretel at Christmas .my granma was a witch a rich witch to bad she is passed
    away maybe
    [COLOR="#00FF00"] id call ask her for a eccie recipe:shed puta spell on you,
    Grandma president?
    I mean if grandma was present but she is not unless she is a ghost if she is escort her to heaven I don't want to hear her
    groiffen syrup an griffen jam add to this terrooist recipe that trying
    steal my post like in movie "the secret window with johnny depp, AAAAAJOHNNY know.jpg
    u trying steal my story.u trying steal my post stewie griiffen johnny depp's character in movie SECRET WINDOW kills them all like
    MCDONALDS DRIVE-THRU WINDOWorder johnny cakes with syryp don't forget Johnny depps
    best friend Marilyn manson TOUR DEADLY apples go ahead order APPLE slices or
    APPLEJUICE with your cakes johnny cakes an apples
    easy wallffles griffen syrup ^^ an eggs over ECCIE or undercooked with GRIFFIN griffet syrup ....
    u know griffen syruip companys in Muskogee along with which soda
    witch soda not witch yet which soda company ?
    DR.pepper/seven up [SIZE=5]
    STEWIE EWIE SYRUP heads down thumbs up NO time to play seven up
    with Steweie griffen syrup
    ^go^away^terroistTERROIST'^go^away^terroist Stewie griffen 290983
    ^go^away^terroist SHOO FLY SHOO caught FLY GRIFFEN SYRUP

    terroist Stewie griffen 290983 ^go^away^

    E'cc'ie Presidents wife
    Ccc'Chocolate chip cookies
    thought you liked chocolate chip cookies
    Last edited by aYOUNGprincess; 12-18-2018 at 04:29 AM. Reason: Ccc thought u loved chocalate chip cookies

  9. #54
    Guide Chihuahua on hiatus (retired)
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Seclusion in the deep, dark, spooky woods north of Houston at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge.
    And goodbye to the princess. Ye Gods!

    And now back to our regularly scheduled debate on what happened to ECCIE.

  10. #55
    Verified Companion danielle silver's Avatar
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    Dec 2009
    Thank You FIH!!!
    You are awesome and appreciated for all you do!!

  11. #56
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Thanks fancy.

    Apparently im a terrorist....

  12. #57
    Verified Companion Companion Kitty bunny fuck's Avatar
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by aYOUNGprincess View Post server not found server crown full diamonds :
    Any other sites to post on besides this site?
    an that the server not found
    an server a crown full of diamonds

    found this here site so what all does this site offer?
    anyone in Oklahoma I sure like get out of Oklahoma an go on tour
    princess on tour heres the way I don't want to be put on tour by pull of my hair
    with Marilyn manson pulling me up by hair my head so I
    colored my hair an cover it with a wig don't want any one reconize me

    as the presidents wife look alike in a princess crown

    DONT pick me up by my hair bring a crown with real diamonds an no bot flys or Spanish fly to make me
    horney just crowny in diamonds That's about color of my real natural hair hey speaken natraul id like a
    natraul light and speaking about don't want bout bot flys in my hair either nor my head nor flys in
    my drink nor Spanish fly in my drink no maggot horney drink no bot Spanish fly

    E'cc'ie Presidents wife
    What da fuck did I just read?!?
    who needs love when you have ******s?
    home of kinky fuckery and " The Magic Pussy Trick
    "The juice that's worth the squeeze"
    "What in the fuckity fuck you could've had a V8!"
    I have the REAL APPLE PIE
    Princess SUGAR Pussy
    ThreAD highjacker
    I'm not for insignificant mama boys, pricks Ball Grabbing Circus Monkey, pud Pounding Shit Goblins, pudwacker, fuckfaced assholes, so gentleman may only apply. I only acknowledge people worthy of my time.
    NO REVIEW POLICY *unless u check w/ me first

  13. #58
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lovinglifeinaustin's Avatar
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    West of Weird in beautiful Dripping Springs
    WD’s sister? Mother?
    Loving life in Austin

  14. #59
    Verified Companion Companion AmbreeAustin's Avatar
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    my scheduler suggested "everyone get a proton mail account and ladies we would daily send a flyer out if worst came to worse to a mailing list of clients" , ok I just copy pasted what they said so if it makes sense lmk
    Your Exotic Fantasy Come True
    Email is best when looking to spend time together
    Texting can be overwhelming unfortunately
    $350H / $250hh / Greek +$100

  15. #60
    Verified Companion Companion Mz Chloe Rae's Avatar
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    Irving/ Las Colinas
    Okay, This thread definitely helped me to understand what may or may not be going on with Eccie at the moment !! I really hope it comes back up :)

    Thank you, All !

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