Oh wow Dallas, I now you will enjoy that! lol

Blaze, funny story... for my sons 3rd birthday, he was staying at a friends house while I ran to walmart for his birthday present... but as I pulled into the parking lot, I ran over a screw.... the other three tires were pretty bare also so I replaced all four. As the new tires were being put on, I went on with my shopping and picked up his present. When I came to pick him up, the little rascal caught on to what I was up to, and asked me what I had bought for him. I took him around to all four tires pointing out how nice, pretty and new they were. I told him that's what his birthday present money went towards. lol He was convinced he wasn't getting anything for his birthday except for this new tires on my car.... until after dinner that night. I know, it was cruel, but every year for his birthday I always tell him I am going out to buy some new tires....lol