I don't believe for a moment that there's any serious thought about renaming the entire city. If anything, it's just an indication that things can only go so far.

Removing Confederate monuments that were put up during a time when blacks were being openly disenfranchised is another thing entirely.

I'm as white as can be, and I don't need those things there. Put them in a museum, not somewhere that would put us at risk of bloodshed like in Charlottesville.

They were put there by white supremacists, and they just attract more of them. Renaming city streets like Jeff Davis and Robert E Lee is a step in the right direction, but I don't think they'll rename the entire city in our lifetime.

I'd like to think that we could find someone better that we could name the city after, but it would be expensive at a time when we are trying to keep costs down. So say what you like about the People's Republic of Austin. It's just not in the cards.