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Thread: The H2 Verification Procedure for Hobbyists and Companions

  1. #1
    Guide Chihuahua on hiatus (retired)
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Seclusion in the deep, dark, spooky woods north of Houston at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge.

    Exclamation The H2 Verification Procedure for Hobbyists and Companions

    Wicked welcome wishes! For the safety of our membership, the H2 verification system is primarily based on vouches by other established members here, and full access (private forums, etc.) is a privilege of that verification.

    Please read the following from our happy host admin, ck1942:

    WHERE TO START! Hobbyist Candidates:!-Hobbyist-Candidate

    WHERE TO START! Companion Candidates:!-Companion-Candidates

    Here's an explanatory step-by-step procedure that might be helpful to both the ladies and gents seeking a "template" to help them obtain full verification via vouch requests:

    Per ck, you may copy and paste the following into your PM message box and send it to verified members you know are able to vouch for you:

    ck1942 instructed me to send you a vouching request and for you to confirm directly to him that we have sessioned within the past 90 days... no details are necessary, just the confirmation. I was instructed to copy him on the request and ask you to copy me on the confirmation, please.

    gents, an H2-registered fellow should PM a vouch request to a minimum of TWO Verified Companions/Verified Agencies whom he has visited recently BCD (behind closed doors for private intimacy) AND include ck1942 in the recipient user box of the message, too, so that our administrator will receive a duplicate communication. When a lusty lady responds with verification, she should PM the person requesting validation, include the original note, her confirmation, and ALSO carbon copy that to ck1942 simultaneously. (Everybody gets a confirmation that way, so you know where you stand.)

    Make sure the title of each PM clearly states your intent, for example, Vouch Request for _____. (Insert your handle in the blank spot.)

    ladies, just reverse the process; find TWO fellows you've seen in the last 90 days who are also Verified Hobbyists on H2, then PM each a Vouch Request for _____. Carbon copy that to ck1942 at the same time, and when the gents reply they will ALSO include the original message, confirmation, and carbon copy ck simultaneously.

    All anybody has to say when confirming is, "
    Yes, I have seen _____ recently and am happy to vouch for his/her Verified Hobbyist/Companion status."

    The Member List in the drop-down under the Community tab beneath the masthead to the above left can be used to seek screen names of guys/gals you're familiar with.

    ONLY verified members can give vouches confirming recent in-the-flesh visits BCD, NOT from meet & greets or socials, NOT for people known only "online." Verified Companion vouches for other ladies may be considered at admin discretion IF the ladies have met/worked together.

    Under some circumstances, vouches elsewhere may also be considered at admin discretion. PM management for further discussion.

    ONLY Verified Companions may advertise outside of their initial Welcome Wagon introductions.

    Gentlemen, you will STILL have to offer references and/or be screened for play dates by Companions, as H2 verification is for site purposes only and is NOT a substitute for any individual provider's comfort and safety requirements. Also, to STAY verified, all members have to log in regularly and contribute to the community by posting, and re-vouching may be necessary as time passes.

    Happy Hobbying! -- FIH/staff

    Last edited by Fancyinheels; 10-09-2019 at 02:19 PM.

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