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Thread: The Eccie Mods are too damned funny

  1. #31
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Houston, Texas
    BigWill, it sounds like what you did, whether it was for jokes or whether you wanted to test the Mods at the almost sounds like you were punished for jokingly, "yelling Fire, in the movie theater". It's a weird analogy, I know.

    Maybe those mods could have given you a warning, or 1 week or 10 days of timeout, or asked you to change your name, anything else besides a TOTAL BAN to show you they were serious. I don't think banning you makes sense. Issuing you a warning ticket, kinda does.

    Just like the supreme court ruled one time, people have a right to swing their fists in any direction that they want, but that right to swing their fists ends where the other person's nose begins.

    Anyone can post whatever they want, and say whatever they want to say or use whatever name they want....but I don't think it's wise to think, there will be no consequences to that speech or that writing, or certain words used.


    And before anyone else jumps on me to discuss the Freedom Of Speech stuff. I have said this before, so let us be clear.

    One person's 1st amendment right to Free Speech, does not apply to a private employer, a privately owned business/company or a privately owned forum, who have their own bylaws, or a company's procedures and/or terms & conditions. There are cases moving in the courts that may change this understanding, but before that happens, privately owned businesses are exempt. Read their contracts and fine print before buying something or signing up for something.

    So let's all be cool. Don't take things too seriously. If you don't like the way things are heading in the country as a whole, show your objections by voting, in your local and national elections.

    Keep calm, and carry on...
    A petite built woman with great
    reputation, who can cook frogs
    legs, who appreciates a good fuc-
    schia garden,classic music & tal-
    king without getting too serious.

    But please only read lines 1, 3 and 5.

  2. #32
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Bigwill832's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Houston and wherever my wanderlust takes me
    100% agree with you on the 'free speech' thing. That doesn't apply to privately owned businesses. This one started when I got back on there and someone made a comment about thinking I was an undercover mod. I laughed, thought it was funny, and put Undercover Mod under my name. Now....silly me thinking that everyone would know and think of that as a joke. If someone is an undercover mod, why would they have undercover mod as their title? Right? Well, a certain mod took offense to that and got a bit terse with me, sent multiple messages and got a little personal. So yes, as a joke, I put BANNNED (with 3 N's). Again, doing it as a joke and spelling it so so that it was obvious to what it was. And then I got that bitchy email from that same mod about the ban. That's what I thought was fucking hilarious. It is what it is.

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