Wednesday, October 23 - 4 pm to 7 pm
Boo! Whoooo! Austin's 2024 Hollow Weenie
Masquerade Social - "Characters Wanted!"
Pirates, Cheerleaders, Naughty School Girls
Upstairs Maids, French Maids, Hand Mades
Strippers, Firemen, Firewomen, Cops & Robbers
= = = = =
Annual Austin HollowWeenie Masquerade
Wednesday, October 23rd
4 p.m. to 7 p.m
Chill Out!
Dress HOT!
Dress Cool!
Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the event closes.
Late comers will miss out.
Think "seasonal hollow weenie" stuff.
( blank - fill in your costume thoughts by replying below )
So many xxx, so little time!
If you have been attending M&Gs this year, your invite is in the mail, otherwise:
See bottom of post on how to request an invite.
= = = = = =
Dress for the appropriate weather outdoors, and indoors; nothing too sexy please.
Rules for this event are the same as usual:
We don't share information with folks who were not there.
We don't discuss "hobby" stuff.
We are all **well vouched and verified** companions and hobbyists who respect each other on and off the boards**
Rules are simple:
Expect respect; give it in return.
No hobby talk, rates, services, etc. But you can let people know how to reach you.
We do wear name tags (disguised) and we don't talk to anyone not wearing a name tag.
Zero cover charge; it is "pay as you go" or get a tab.
Full bar and kitchen.
Only those with a current invitation** from ck1942 may attend.
For the security of all attending, the social invite protocol makes zero allowances for un-invited ?€œdrop in?€™s?€? -- even if they are well known in the hobby community and have attended previous events.
Current invites are always mandatory.
= = = = = Requesting an invite = = = = =
Verified companions, please pm ck1942 and include "social invite" in the subject line.
Please ask at least two established verified companions to pm ck1942 directly confirming sessions within the past 60-90 days.
Note that events are geared for ?€œactive?€? hobbyists who play at least every month or two and who intend to actively attend events on a regular basis, meaning at least every other month or two.
What the companions need to tell me:
1)You respected all of their rules, and
2)They believe you will respect the event rules.
All of the above must be completed by 5 pm Monday, October 21