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Thread: What as happened

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Shreveport La

    What as happened

    I can only guess the economy has caught up and everyone is short of funds today as the hobby is so bad. Probably going to be awhile until it returns. Shame as I enjoyed meeting alot of new friends.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD monroegent's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    And the Louisiana board is dead on this site and the one that is not mentioned also. STG is to hot over here in my neck of the woods. Maybe more ladies will come here and we can get it back rolling. Maybe

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Number6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    I’m not going to lay blame all on the economy but it is a factor. The shale play isn’t as active as it was when it started. Leading to less single oilfield men with excess cash to burn.

    Another is GPS. The numbers the ladies advertise in this area is pretty crazy to me. I have a ceiling on how high I’m willing to go and most of them have a starting price well above that. I don’t negotiate, I just don’t contact. And when I say GPS I’m not just taking about price, it’s also attitude and skills. Most of what I’m seeing out there is like expecting 2 John’s and getting Griffs instead. Don’t get me wrong I like Griffs but don’t sell me a 30 day Dry Aged Steak and give me a greasy burger.

    I’d love to say lack of options of women but truthfully all of North La has always had a small number of active ladies at any one time but it does seem worse than it use to be. There are a lot less traveling ladies than in the past. Part of that stems from SBC having a bad rep with them and also guys getting burned to many times by those that don’t actually show up and cancel their trip plans with no notice.

    There are people hobbying, the view count on this thread alone proves we’re out here. Notice on the other board the amount of recent amp reviews. That section use to have barely anything. I understand why, amps are inexpensive and convenient. There are way more options on that route than just 10yrs ago.

    Talking about convenience… the amount of flaky women is awful! Why go through all the hassle, of screening and scheduling only to be ghosted. And that’s if you can even get one to respond. There have been numerous women who missed out on my dollars because of this.

    Finally I can’t leave out Onlyfans and the other sites like it. All a woman needs is a cellphone and she can get men to send her money and she literally doesn’t have to get out of bed. I have yet to meet any male who actually admits to being a “fan” but they are certainly out there sending money to them. I won’t blame the women for taking the easy road.

    Then there’s the proliferation of “sugar babies.” That mindset from women has taken over all the dating sites. You almost can’t go on a date anymore without them hitting you up for some cash.

    Saying all that; it’s not all bad. I do know two women who are solid. One local legend who still knocks it out of the park every time and one who travels here occasionally who is great as well.

    Well, there’s my rant for the moment. I think I covered the basics for “what has happened.” If you feel you need something for reading all that let me know, I’ll buy you a beer.

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