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Thread: Cant seem to post reviews

  1. #1
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Cant seem to post reviews

    Can any mode help me out why i cant post review?
    It kept saying it is too short by 1 character

  2. #2
    The "Guide" In Black ® Mokoa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    San Antonio
    This will be of interest to you...
    "Don't come here and grumble about going too fast. Get the hell out of the race car if you've got feathers on your legs or butt. Put a kerosene rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up there and eat that candy ass."

    Dale Earnhardt

    9/11 Memorial

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Anandaman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I can boil down the review error simply.

    - Fill everything out
    - Put ONE WORD in the Public Comments
    - Click to PREVIEW
    - If it's not ok, it's probably because the ACTIVITIES and/or PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION disappeared
    - Retype whatever disappeared
    - Click to PREVIEW again. It should be ok now.
    - Click SUBMIT, then go to ADVANCED to add the ROS in "Hide" Tags.


    Type your ROS in another document first (try it in a PM to yourself; see below). Then copy/paste it. This way you don't lose any info if something goes wrong.

    You do have 60 minutes to edit a review AFTER you hit the submit button. I do what's described, then have the 60 minutes. If you type the ROS in a different document BEFORE you start, you have plenty of time to edit, if needed.

    Expert Tip:

    For a review with pics (most of mine), I will type up the review and add the pics in a PM to myself first (just the ROS part; but you can type the other info too... like links to Tryst, P411, etc). When everything looks great in a PM, then I start the review.... just copy/paste from my own PM in my Inbox... PM'g to yourself is a great approach because you can hit "preview" on a PM to yourself and see what it all looks like (including the pics) before "submitting" to yourself. There's no 60 minute time limit when you're PM'g....


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