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Thread: Ourhome2 in California

  1. #1
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Greater Los Angeles Area

    Ourhome2 in California

    **Anyone not interested in reading my entire commentary/rant my main point of it is why isn't this site more popular and utilized more in California which has a lot of Hobbyists and Providers?

    Well, I've been registered to this site since 2021. I haven't contributed because there hasn't been much to contribute to in my area or state. I was very active in the forums of RB, NS, and even on PD. It was actually a lot of fun. I was located in the S.F. East Bay and I guarantee Provider who I have ever met would remember me. (I don't blame anyone who would need their memory refreshed since many years have passed.) Point being sites like this can be such an incredibly useful tool which both Hobbyist and Provider can benefit from. As I'm sure everyone knows reputations and impressions are everything in this industry. It's possible for someone to endure and exist within this community while being honest, genuine, and just in general being nice to other people. Life's hard enough without contributing to the shit we're all trying to avoid. It can be fun and you can meet many incredible people. There's always the bad element to everything but sites like this help tremendously in avoiding that. I am forever grateful for the Providers that I've met who have enriched my life and that have given me something positive to take away from the experience. Unfortunately, getting into this profession there is a painful learning curve and of course no matter how long you choose to participate in it you still have to remain cautious because of the bad element that exists. I'm not a lapdog or trying to gain any favor with anyone. Anyone who's met me knows that and knows I'm always a straight shooter. This is just how I genuinely feel. My point being, apologies for the rambling to get to my point, is that sites like this are priceless and I can't figure out why it hasn't become popular in California. Being part of a community like this, participating in the various forums among all the different topics helps a person establish a personality which can go a long way when determining whether you want to meet someone or not. This applies to both sides of the hobby. It also helps to weed out the bad element and helps to make the industry a safer place for everyone. Whenever someone refers to the RB days as "the good old days" it's because it was. It was safer time for Providers and Hobbyists alike. There are many reasons that contribute to that statement regarding safety but the main reason that it was a safer time was because so many people participated in the many RB forums that existed. (Along with the fact there weren't as many sites to post on or as many sites that steal ads from other sites that contain so many fake ads.) This site is different from RB because it's focus isn't ads, but it could be as great as the RB forums were. It just needs more people to join and to participate in the forums. Unfortunately, I don't have the answers as to how to remedy that. It seems like more people participate in the industry more and it is very much disorganized. Even the people from the popular regional ad sites would benefit from utilizing this site which seems like a large reason it exists. It condenses all the different sites related to this industry into one site that is legitimate, helps to protect both sides, improves the safety of participating in the industry, maintains a civil and respectful atmosphere, and provides useful information for Hobbyists and Providers just by the information posted and shared by all. This site seems to be very popular in different states and for those people who are participating in those areas who did experience and for the people who never experienced the time when RB existed know what I'm referring to and what a great thing it is to be involved in a site like this. I can only hope that this site grows in popularity and participation because a site like this only is only beneficial to people who are legitimate, have good intentions, and aren't out to scam everyone. The people who aren't legitimate, have bad intentions, and who are out to scam anyone and everyone hate sites like this because these fucked up individuals are quickly identified and exposed. Okay, I'm done, lol.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD rakhir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I agree with you. It is a wasteland for a community like this. Quite sad when this is such a great forum.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    Houston, Tx
    In Texas, there is so much more activity. A tons more. I came here looking since I'll be visiting LA later this week. Very disappointed with the lact of activity. I can't even post in the Welcome forum.

  4. #4
    Verified Companion
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    Hey I totally agree with you guys! I lived in Dallas and it was the biggest board to be on. I worked my ass off to get verified and when I came to LA its a waste land. I mean I HATE posting on LIST CRAWLER OR ESCORT ALLIGATOR!!!!!! ugh I really feel like that is where the danger lies as far as these sites go, from my perspective. Now I have not been in this business as long as most but besides that site I mentioned other than humanaplex which is still not my top choice but I feel a bit safer than most. There is one other one I used when I was in Palmdale the AV Escort board man they have got it together on that one. I never had a problem EVER while using that site. I am considering making a new profile and going to spend a weekend up in the dessert and see my old clients I have there and see how it goes. This site is just sitting here wasting away...I have my friend Lillyth here from Dallas as well and she feels the same this site should be used way more out here.

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