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Thread: GREEK

  1. #16
    Verified Companion Companion SexyJess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transylvania Count View Post
    Perhaps this would be better suited for the ladies' private room?

    I am not the person who asked you about Greek. We did schedule an appointment a few months ago, but you ghosted me the day of the appointment. We never did get to talk details.

    There are quite a few things to unpack in your post.

    1. Your proposed strategy of "you do Greek first" will backfire. Once I asked a lady if she offers Greek. She said that she doesn't. But then she said "I used to tell men that whatever you stick in mine, I get to stick in yours. But I had to stop that because too many men like it."
    2. Answering the same question many times a day does get annoying, I agree. Perhaps adding a NO list to your signature may help. When men see "and a lot more," some of them will think "Oh, she offers Greek? BBFS?" Men are weird like that, don't you know?
    3. Ranting here will not educate those who don't care to be educated. The best you can do is warn the other ladies regarding this kind of behavior, in the ladies' private room. We men have horror stories too, and that is how we handle them.
    4. I believe you did offend not just the LGBTQ community, but you managed to offend the straight community as well. "regardless if you're sticking your dick in an ass or having your ass being stuck with a dick, it's gay." Many ladies here offer Greek, and many men here enjoy Greek, myself included. Making this type of statement is not helpful and betrays a serious lack of respect for what others in the hobby enjoy.
    5. You mention a significant other. You mention that you do Greek with them. Men want what they cannot have. The more they cannot have it, the more they want it. Dangling the "I only do (Greek) in an intimate situation with my significant other" carrot is not helpful. It creates resentment. And for me personally, mentioning a significant other ruins the magic. I know most of the ladies here have significant others and families, and I respect that. I just don't want to hear about it. Our time together is our time away from real life, in a make-believe world that should be free of real-world details.
    6. Take a few deep breaths. You're frustrated, and for good reason. But never send out an angry email/post. Re-read it a few times. Rephrase it. Focus on the message rather than feelings. You will have significantly better results. Most people tend to disregard rants and angry words, especially from someone for whom they feel no emotional attachment.
    7. Last but not least, asking the moderators not to ban your account tells me that you knew posting this is wrong but you did it anyway. Most men here want a drama-free appointment. With this type of behavior on your part, you risk being labelled BSC and be avoided in the future. I think it would be helpful to you to reach out to some of the more seasoned ladies here and ask for some suggestions on how to better cope with your frustration, because this post is not a constructive way of handling it.

    I hope this is helpful to you, SexyJess. This hobby can be wonderful, but it can also be frustrating sometimes. Best of luck to you!
    Trans Count: What does me "ghosting you" 6 months ago have to do with ANYTHING Ive said here? If Im not mistaken, and Im not, this now marks the FOURTH TIME you have brought this out in the open. The first time you brought it to my attention, I sincerely apologized to you for it, yet here we are.... Let me ONCE AGAIN EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED> It was NOT an intentional GHOST on my behalf. Your phone number, and another persons phone number were similar. I honestly thought I was talking to one person, when apparently I was talking to two different people. It was a mistake, GET OVER IT for Gods sake. What on earth does that even have to do with this? Not a damn thing. Get over it.

    1. My propposed strategy "You do Greek first" Was not a proposed strategy at all, and anyone with common sense would read that along with the rest of my rant and understand that all Im doing is passively explaining WHY I do not do GREEK with Clients. Any man would NEVER take me up on that offer if he was in his right mind. But if that was not made clear in this post, then I guess I didn't stress the POINT OF MY RANT ENOUGH. My Bad... Ill do better next time.

    2. Have you actually LOOKED at my signature? No? OK, because its listed there, but I figured a lot of guys don't read the signature so I took an extra step and I ALSO add my "No's" to every single ad I place, and I place DAILY ADS DAILY!!!. Need an example? You can find a ton of them simply by searching SexyJess and taking the time to read my ads. Please, before accusing someone of not being clear in her ads, do your research. It's there, I promise.

    3. RANTING HERE WILL ABSOLUTELY educate SOMEONE... Even if it isn't you, I promise, someone took away something from this post. If no one did, then my hope in humanity is lost. Maybe not all of them, but I bet I get less questions if I do Greek after this post... Oh look, I didn't have to tell ANY of my clients today that its not on the menu 3, 4 or 5 times! What do you know! It actually worked!!!. Not only that, my traffic for the day even INCREASED. That was unexpected, but a nice surprise regardless :) Why would I only post in a forum where my target audience - YOU - cant read it? The ladies of this forum and of this industry - if you want to call it that - ALREADY KNOW the challenges... YOU, obviously don't. Hence why I've posted here. I'm still trying to wrap myself around why you are so offended by it anyways, considering you aren't the one this is directed at... Either you HAVE done that in the past, or you're just looking to stir up something that literally doesn't need to be stirred up. But hey, you be you.

    4. I didn't know you were a part of the LGBTQ! Heres a newsflash, so am I. Ive been a part of this community since I was a child and realized who I was. So tell me, who are you to assume that Ive offended a community that you are not a part of? OR are you? Either way, facts are facts, and although its distasteful to speak about, the fact of the matter remains. It is what it is. Again, no offense.

    5. I mentioned in the original post that I enjoy Greek. That was THE VERY FIRST TIME I've ever been open and honest about what I enjoy behind closed doors. So this statement doesn't apply. It cant! Show me anywhere where I have dangled a carrot like this anywhere on this site other than RIGHT HERE... Furthermore,If you know most of the ladies have significant others and it ruins the magic for you, then what are we doing here? Just like you said, its make believe... right... so, pretend that your favorite girl is single, since its all make believe anyways. If you don't want to read about something that frustrates us, then stop clicking on the posts. I posted this to educate the few men that need it. I'm not saying all will take to it and retain this information, but I will put money on it that at least one will. and that's good enough for me.

    6. "Most people disregard rants and angry words", huh? YOU DIDN'T... And what's funny is that this literally had NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU ANYWAYS, yet you still took the bait, didn't you? And the last I checked we have no emotional attachment either. But your right, most people will disregard rants... Lol... ok..

    7. The only thing that will help me with my frustration, is when my boundaries are respected, and not overlooked time and time again. We want you to enjoy your time with us as well. Picking and pestering us just causes this type of reaction. The fact of the matter is - this isn't difficult. And I know its possible for a man to respect boundaries, because the majority of you do respect them. It's just the ones that cant get it through your heads that no means no.

    Question for you... Why would you assume that I'm dramatic? Every client that I've had has never once complained about me being dramatic. every one of your statements here, is a random assumption that by no means has any validation here. My clients enjoy our time together. I'm sorry the opportunity for you was unsuccessful. But that doesn't give you the right to ATTEMPT to call me out because everything your saying isn't even valid. But one thing I can say, and I guarantee you this. I am more drama-free than you are. I'd put MONEY on that :) Lol.

    You sir, are just LOOKING for drama. I saw that 6 months ago when you emailed me thinking I intentionally Ghosted you.. C'Mon now... get real. Accidents happen, Love.
    As for your lengthy response, If it doesn't pertain to you, then stay out of it. Just like you mentioned, you were not the one who offended me. Sooooo why are you even bothering with this? Seems like a waste of time, no? Why exactly are YOU insulted? Lol. just trying to stir up shit that doesn't even pertain to this conversation. By the way, your signature offends me enough to set off a red flag that maybe ghosting you - although an accident - was a blessing in disguise.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Nikkole View Post
    Lots of men like to be pegged. Some may do it, find out they like it lol.

    In the end of the day, we like to be respectful, be shown respect. And to some we are. But to many we aren't even human. We are garbage. We deal with this daily.

    Don't get me wrong, God bless this industry and I like it. You take the good with the bad in any industry.

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  2. #17
    Verified Companion Companion SexySammy's Avatar
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    Honestly this is the same as men blatantly asking for BB when its not offered. There will always be men who don't read ads or think there's always a price, it honestly comes with the job. I'm sure there's been other days when nobody has requested it from you so really I think it's just a coincidence. There certainly could've been a better/clearer way for you to get the point across.

    "But I just want all of you homophobes to understand, is that regardless if you're sticking your dick in an ass or having your ass being stuck with a dick, it's gay. The differences is you're a top or a bottom, If you're a guy participating in that type of intimacy.."
    You know nothing about him to assume he's not a part of or supporter of the LGBTQ+ community and they certainly weren't facts but your opinion and just because you're a member and not offended, doesn't make the statements any less offensive or ignorant ijs. There's a very big and key difference in someone wanting a man to do it or a female, and has everything to do with anatomy, and absolutely nothing to do with a person automatically being "gay" for enjoying it. It's giving "I'm not racist because I have black friends", when someone makes an obviously racist statement. So I guess since your man likes to stick it in yours that means he's gay too? This is the problem when people make posts when they're still emotionally charged, you start to make contradicting statements, and the point very much does get lost in all the dramatics and ranting. First you kink shame. Then you say under no circumstances will you do/allow Greek, then you admit to it being a very intimate thing for your boyfriend and yourself, and proceed to also say you would allow it if someone let you sodamize them (when that and how folks ACTUALLY do Greek are not even close to the same). This is why it's best to make these posts after you've calmed down and can get your point across clearly.
    Last edited by SexySammy; 04-26-2024 at 05:33 AM.
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  3. #18
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Adonisman's Avatar
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    This sure has been an entertaining thread.

    I have been around these boards since day one. Yes, 1999. I started out. When most of yall were not even born yet or yall were shitting your pants watching Teletubbies.

    Nothing has changed in 25 years. Guys still asking for menu items not listed, Guys pushing boundaries. Shitty TCB by Providers and so on. Providers ghosting or canceling. Guys ghosting or canceling. The gamut of everything.

    All this pissing and moaning by both sides, and if anything it has gotten worse.

    So you either accept this is how it is and always will be. Or move the fuck on down the road and find another job or hobby.

  4. #19
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyJess View Post
    2. Have you actually LOOKED at my signature? No? OK, because its listed there,
    I do not see any reference to No Greek in your signature today. And "a whole lot more" seems like an invitation to ask the question.

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  5. #20
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Nikkole View Post
    Oh2 men tend to want something, you say no, they throw up a bad review.
    I don't understand this assertion. Your signature says No reviews. OH2 staff would remove any review and likely send the poster mail.

  6. #21
    Verified Companion Companion SexySammy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adonisman View Post
    This sure has been an entertaining thread.

    I have been around these boards since day one. Yes, 1999. I started out. When most of yall were not even born yet or yall were shitting your pants watching Teletubbies.

    Nothing has changed in 25 years. Guys still asking for menu items not listed, Guys pushing boundaries. Shitty TCB by Providers and so on. Providers ghosting or canceling. Guys ghosting or canceling. The gamut of everything.

    All this pissing and moaning by both sides, and if anything it has gotten worse.

    So you either accept this is how it is and always will be. Or move the fuck on down the road and find another job or hobby.
    Plenty of people piss and moan about their jobs, that doesn't mean they need to quit.
    But she could've done so in a more constructive way to help educate some folks.
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  7. #22
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Adonisman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexySammy View Post
    Plenty of people piss and moan about their jobs, that doesn't mean they need to quit.
    But she could've done so in a more constructive way to help educate some folks.
    True, but complaining about the same things over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. Has changed nothing. All it does it make the person resentful, angry and bitter.

    I used to be that way. Always grinding shit out. All it did was make me more miserable. Did not help at all.

    Sure it is frustrating, but go work out. Go for a walk. Get out and do something eventful. Sitting at your keyboard or phone does not help.

  8. #23
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Trans Count: What does me "ghosting you" 6 months ago have to do with ANYTHING Ive said here? If Im not mistaken, and Im not, this now marks the FOURTH TIME you have brought this out in the open. The first time you brought it to my attention, I sincerely apologized to you for it, yet here we are.... Let me ONCE AGAIN EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED> It was NOT an intentional GHOST on my behalf. Your phone number, and another persons phone number were similar. I honestly thought I was talking to one person, when apparently I was talking to two different people. It was a mistake, GET OVER IT for Gods sake. What on earth does that even have to do with this? Not a damn thing. Get over it.

    Hmmm...I wonder where my apology is?
    Seriously, as mentioned by saustin, your post says "and a whole lot more," with no mention of not doing it. Perhaps the client(s) were just trying to clarify. I have told providers that I see on a regular basis that I know they do not offer but that it appears you do by not saying you don't. They then go back and change their post. Be emphatic in your post and don't offer it. Then once you are comfortable with a client and it comes up either offer or decline, if you offer, tell them not to mention in the review. To go through this whole exercise simply is a bad look.

  9. #24
    Verified Companion Companion Anna Nikkole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saustin View Post
    I don't understand this assertion. Your signature says No reviews. OH2 staff would remove any review and likely send the poster mail.
    You think OH2 is the only site. They are the only site who respect my wants. I get good and bad reviews and they all make me more relevant. However, I'm speaking on this being a very common occurrence. Not necessarily with me. I don't write rebuttals, I laugh and move on.
    Last edited by Anna Nikkole; 04-26-2024 at 09:31 AM.

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  10. #25
    Verified Companion Companion Anna Nikkole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adonisman View Post
    This sure has been an entertaining thread.

    I have been around these boards since day one. Yes, 1999. I started out. When most of yall were not even born yet or yall were shitting your pants watching Teletubbies.

    Nothing has changed in 25 years. Guys still asking for menu items not listed, Guys pushing boundaries. Shitty TCB by Providers and so on. Providers ghosting or canceling. Guys ghosting or canceling. The gamut of everything.

    All this pissing and moaning by both sides, and if anything it has gotten worse.

    So you either accept this is how it is and always will be. Or move the fuck on down the road and find another job or hobby.
    I agree, but this is a coed and hobby discussion place. And as annoying as some of this gets, I like my job.

    People love their jobs everyday and go home and bitch about this or that. It's called being human, what most don't believe we are.

    My thread was same, coed hobby discussion and something annoying. Evidently at the end I was hurt and wanted to fight 1 single person that I didn't even know about lol.

    Let people make their really, very relevant coed hobby discussions. Nobody wants to fight, it's not about you. If you don't like the subject, scroll and scroll.

    Have a wonderful day. Im getting ready for my last day in Austin. You guys have been wonderful.

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  11. #26
    Verified Companion Companion Slave Guinevere's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Nikkole View Post
    I agree, but this is a coed and hobby discussion place. And as annoying as some of this gets, I like my job.

    People love their jobs everyday and go home and bitch about this or that. It's called being human, what most don't believe we are.

    My thread was same, coed hobby discussion and something annoying. Evidently at the end I was hurt and wanted to fight 1 single person that I didn't even know about lol.

    Let people make their really, very relevant coed hobby discussions. Nobody wants to fight, it's not about you. If you don't like the subject, scroll and scroll.

    Have a wonderful day. Im getting ready for my last day in Austin. You guys have been wonderful.
    Still being a little ray of SUNSHINE... Eh Nikkole? Nice!!

    I actually DO like to take it UP the ASS but hey, I've been known to put on a STRAP ON when NEEDED... But yeah... This thread wasn't about you, it was about Sexxxy Jess, some annoying ass questions, her issues and how no AMOUNT OF VASELINE was going to get her in the MOOD to give up that DELICIOUS ASS!!🔥

    Respect is an interesting concept... It works both ways... The only thing this thread is missing is AN ICE CUBE...😎

  12. #27
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    Someone please take pity on me and point out what exactly is offensive in my signature. If true, it shall be corrected.

  13. #28
    Verified Companion Companion Slave Guinevere's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adonisman View Post
    True, but complaining about the same things over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. Has changed nothing. All it does it make the person resentful, angry and bitter.

    I used to be that way. Always grinding shit out. All it did was make me more miserable. Did not help at all.

    Sure it is frustrating, but go work out. Go for a walk. Get out and do something eventful. Sitting at your keyboard or phone does not help.
    Sir Adonisman...

    People definitely need to vent.. I get that.. Everyone has their own process but, I am like you... I like to go for walks, listen to music, go to the movies, maybe, to an art museum... Just do something to get out of my head when I'm in a negative space... But, not everyone likes to do that and it's kind of like the love language thing... Everyone has to process their emotions differently I think...

    So, for a lot of people, this is the only place where we can talk about our life in this world... We aren't really accepted in society so, it isn't like we can talk about it at the PTA meetings know?

    So, I think we have to take the funny, happy, flirty threads with the more tempestuous ones that might make us uncomfortable...people need an outlet..

    Just my 2 cents for what it is worth...anf that is absolutely 😂

  14. #29
    Verified Companion Companion Slave Guinevere's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transylvania Count View Post
    Someone please take pity on me and point out what exactly is offensive in my signature. If true, it shall be corrected.
    Sir Count...

    I do not see anything offensive in your signature line... You just have a brief description of who you are and what you value...🧐

    But, people can find anything offensive nowadays...


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  15. #30
    Verified Companion Companion Anna Nikkole's Avatar
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    OP made a thread in Coed about the hobby. There is a difference in a PSA and annoyance, than being hurt or want to fight.

    I will say, if my first contact is to receive a text of "Anna, do you offer greek". I don't know where he saw my ad, I don't know if he missed it. Ill either just send a clipboard with important information with that included, or a simple no.

    What the OP was discussing was bombarding and continued persuasion.

    And I personally cannot take it up the ass or that ray of sunshine that shoots out of it when I'm face down will be blocked. Many of my lovely admirers will be disappointed :)

    June North Oklahoma City.
    Except for my visit to Dallas June 12"13,14. Possibly the 15 as well. Then Austin the 16,17,18. Running rare travel specials.

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