Quote Originally Posted by Adonisman View Post
This sure has been an entertaining thread.

I have been around these boards since day one. Yes, 1999. I started out. When most of yall were not even born yet or yall were shitting your pants watching Teletubbies.

Nothing has changed in 25 years. Guys still asking for menu items not listed, Guys pushing boundaries. Shitty TCB by Providers and so on. Providers ghosting or canceling. Guys ghosting or canceling. The gamut of everything.

All this pissing and moaning by both sides, and if anything it has gotten worse.

So you either accept this is how it is and always will be. Or move the fuck on down the road and find another job or hobby.
Plenty of people piss and moan about their jobs, that doesn't mean they need to quit.
But she could've done so in a more constructive way to help educate some folks.