Quote Originally Posted by KosherCowboy View Post
A day off is a day off; we men need them too, we are not designed to go have sex 1-4 X a day for 6-7 days of the week like when young ( 55 now); a day off is both benefical mentally and physically; mens' bodies at least at my age ( 55) need time off. I spend 25%-33% of the year in Germany in all their sex clubs and venues and the only way to enjoy the full week is to make 2 days of the week a day off. This means phone off It's a day to relax physically and mentally, recharge my mental batteries upstairs and recharge and let the Testosterone tank fill up again downstairs; and of course after the day off a nice cold beer or two or three even four and a fat juicy steak is in order as well; helps refill the lower tank.This day off ( until dinner) means no WhatsApp chains ( Signal App is better for this) , no club reports, no sharing intel w the guys just simply disappear; all the other guys can keep the communication circles going. One guy off won't matter. The guys over there in all these chains can survive w one member on a break, so can the girls here; Phone off.
love this and agree^

Quote Originally Posted by KosherCowboy View Post
The women in this town who do screen aren't going thru their first rodeo; I reckon the women around here can get by w references w one lady missing in action w her phone off; 99% of the ladies here can function safely even if they must wait a day for a reference from only one girl; tons of other girls and screening services and bookers to reach out to as well.. The ladies have their ways and contacts; one worker whose phone is off won't shut down the adult entertainment's safety for that day and send us in to total darkness w no John or Girl able to get an appt ! Tons of ladies in this town, I think they have the knowledge, the know how and the contacts to screen a guy if one of the girls is taking a break. Rest assured Sue, enjoy your time off, the other ladies can fend for themselves. Have faith in your sisters... They don't need you as much as you think. I reckon a girl like BL who has stood the test of time provides many more references than yourself and the girls can make do w/o her a day; shes says herself turn the phone off; you too can safely do the same. Listen to her. She knows the business about as well as any girl on here.
exactly. i hold space and respect any provider who doesnt respond to me. i dont take it personal as i know they have their personal life to live. life def will go on for me.

i dont go fasting or on vacation away from here and still be checking my phone if someone wants a reference etc. i wont be checking my phone, my phone is off. good thing I AM MY OWN SECURITY CAMERA and can do my own screening without having to wait on a reference clearance from other providers. i dont ask them. my safety doesnt revolve around their word for screening or oh2. there are other resources than waiting on one provider missing.

imo, self care is just that, self care. turn the phone off. but im speaking for self and dont expect any others to do things as i do.