Quote Originally Posted by Trapperkeeper2000 View Post
Oh lord I agree!! Trying to get back into the hobby and it?s a struggle to do anything on here. Long load times, page timeouts, error 403, etc..

I came to this forum to see if anyone had any tricks on how to make it work? Or maybe a different forum where everyone is moving to?

Also agree on not liking the back page style sites. I like to look at reviews and forum activity to help give me confidence the person I?m about to meet is the one they say they are. I can only imagine that feeling is much stronger for the ladies. Hope this site gets figured out soon.
No trucks but AMAN did a post with URL links to inbox etc to make it easier to access some of those.
Not sure of any others as good as this one honestly. Eccie only good to catch up with folks you already know and we have to be "inconspicuous" about our ThreADs in coed/sandbox as far as letting gents know we're available and where we are but it's pretty dead there and on Pacepro. I think p411 the only other decent option for TX. I haven't tried TER or some of the others. Those usually better for the Midwest I think.

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Lol tricks not trucks, also no edit button