I had time to kill yesterday shortly after lunch so I went window shopping on bissy, it was a nice day for the ladies to go out and get some exercise, but there were only four bsw that I spotted: two were way too chubby for me, one was okay looking but she was just too thin and dark for my taste. Then the fourth one, which looked pretty good, she had a medium build and was medium toned, she was wearing a tight black top and short black shorts letting her ass cheeks get some sun - so as I scoped her out as she sat in the bus stop shed (across from the bbq joint), flaunting her shit, I watched as she rejected one guy after another, I drove by and slowed down and gave a wave as we made eye contact but she gave no sign back of any interest -maybe she's a newbie, idk. Anyway, I was hoping to see a lot more to choose from but I was disappointed.