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Thread: Is pissed!

  1. #1
    Verified Companion Companion Blaze's Avatar
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    Is pissed!

    Get home, feed kiddos, come to my bedroom and turn on news. First it's coverage of Sante Fe and then local on the Bever 911 call. Why does anyone want to hear the 911 of a dying child, why?

    I shed a few tears this afternoon because of another school shooting. Young innocent lives lost and an obviously a mentally disturbed child who did the most ultimate horrific thing.

    So I'm deep in thought over it all, plus how the news reports it. The staging, the clips of distraught children etc...

    Then my email goes off and it's from X about need more gun reforms and providing three links for ME to check out.

    Needless to say I replied with true Blaze fashion. I informed the bot or possibly a human how they needed professional help, spamming me even before these children were even buried. I said much much more and it was cold.

    The 2nd Amendment works, current gun laws work and you can't always fix crazy. As I write this I'm reminded of how I am becoming desensitized in part to this whole issue. While I do not own own a gun, Im pro NRA and gun rights. It's like I've become a person who can't even entertain a conversation of reform because why do we need laws for laws?

    Still yet, had that child not gained possession of his father's guns,, he still would have blown shit up!

    We live in a world where children do not respect guns or the rules of gun handling. When are parents or caregivers going to protect their guns? When are they going to be responsible with ownership. When when when?

    I remember going to school and trucks having gun racks, plus sometimes there were actually guns on them. I wss raised in the country and gree up around hand guns, riffles, and shotguns. I got my first BB gun when I wss like 7yrs old. I never once consisered even looking at either one of my parents guns without permission, much less breathe on one of them. I knew where they were put out at night or when we left the house. My son was raised the same with his arsonal.

    Why do they muddle the facts with these shootings? Normal people and most people with mental issues do NOT do these things. A person who does, has issues most of us can't wrap our heads around. Even a two yr old will develope a plan and scale a high rise to get that thing it wants....

    Rant over.
    Its A Blaze! ~~ Natural Redhead ~~
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  2. #2
    obnoxious pest controls applied
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    [QUOTE=Blaze;154532]Get home, feed kiddos, come to my bedroom and turn on news. First it's coverage of Sante Fe and then local on the Bever 911 call. Why does anyone want to hear the 911 of a dying child, why?

    I shed a few tears this afternoon because of another school shooting. Young innocent lives lost and an obviously a mentally disturbed child who did the most ultimate horrific thing.

    So I'm deep in thought over it all, plus how the news reports it. The staging, the clips of distraught children etc...

    Then my email goes off and it's from X about need more gun reforms and providing three links for ME to check out.

    Needless to say I replied with true Blaze fashion. I informed the bot or possibly a human how they needed professional help, spamming me even before these children were even buried. I said much much more and it was cold.

    The 2nd Amendment works, current gun laws work and you can't always fix crazy. As I write this I'm reminded of how I am becoming desensitized in part to this whole issue. While I do not own own a gun, Im pro NRA and gun rights. It's like I've become a person who can't even entertain a conversation of reform because why do we need laws for laws?

    Still yet, had that child not gained possession of his father's guns,, he still would have blown shit up!

    We live in a world where children do not respect guns or the rules of gun handling. When are parents or caregivers going to protect their guns? When are they going to be responsible with ownership. When when when?

    I remember going to school and trucks having gun racks, plus sometimes there were actually guns on them. I wss raised in the country and gree up around hand guns, riffles, and shotguns. I got my first BB gun when I wss like 7yrs old. I never once consisered even looking at either one of my parents guns without permission, much less breathe on one of them. I knew where they were put out at night or when we left the house. My son was raised the same with his arsonal.

    Why do they muddle the facts with these shootings? Normal people and most people with mental issues do NOT do these things. A person who does, has issues most of us can't wrap our heads around. Even a two yr old will develope a plan and scale a high rise to get that thing it wants....

    Rant over.[/QUOTE

    Thank you !! We need more common sense people like you in this country.. Let me add, you are not becoming de-sensitized! You just are not involving yourself In the sensationalism of it all.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    I felt the same way this morning Blaze. What the heck is happening to our country?

  4. #4
    Verified Companion Companion Blaze's Avatar
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    I don't understand either? Because of snowflakes and abusive parents we can only discipline our children with the constant fear of being punished and labeled ourselves. It's a constant clash of far right and far left,,, where is the center?

    This kids have so much technology I don't even understand,, at their fingertips. Then too much times on their hands.

    You are right Winn-Dixie ( great perspective btw) I do not want to give audience to that which fuels and feeds the animal the media and social media platforms have created. To me, it's like handing these kids a lighted match.
    Its A Blaze! ~~ Natural Redhead ~~
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  5. #5
    Verified Companion Companion Suzanna Turner's Avatar
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    I grew up in a house with several shotguns propped up in every corner, and you couldn't open a closet without them falling out.... literally falling out.
    My father was a gunsmith...owned and operated a gun shop out of our home. Sometimes his customers couldn't pay for his services so they bartered and traded with him. We had enough to supply a militia, and most of them were not ever registered...with many that didn't have serial numbers on them. A lot of 'kit' guns, many antiques... My father also hosted the weekly gun club for our county, right in our backyard. I had handled so many guns as a very young child. My sisters and I all learned to shoot at the age of 4. We were then initiated into the gun club. We also taught how to break them down and rebuild them. The guns propped up in corners? Finished guns waiting to be picked up, and since both parents worked full-time jobs outside of the home, it was up to us girls to answer the door and give the right gun to the right customers. They all had yellow receipts rolled up and sticking out of the barrels.

    Our way of life was passed down to the grandchildren and now the great-grandchildren. My great nephew just learned how to shoot his first gun two weeks ago, at the age of 6...he's getting a late start.

    How many accidents have we had? ZERO. How often did we irresponsibly handle a gun? ZERO. Four generations and not one little issue.

    It is about teaching gun safety and respecting the power they possess and you possess while you handle them. Yes, but that is all secondary to teaching how to be a respectful, responsible, loving and caring human being. Without that, the gun safety goes out the window.

  6. #6
    Registered Male (Not Verified) PinkFloyd's Avatar
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    Trace back in history to 1964 and LBJs Great Society that destroyed the country. People thought J Edgar Hoover was out of control. He is a piker compared to the scum at the top of the FBI and CIA. People just had to elect a black president so they elected a subversive socialist Obama. You have to read Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals to understand what is happening today. Saul was a mentor of Obama and Hillary, and everything you see today follows his rules to the T. The Democrats and media condemn Trump for calling MS-13 animals - that is exactly what most Americans call them. Why isn't the military called out = round up these scum and either deport them or preferably kill them. in 1962 the Soviet Union put out its plan to destroy America, and #15 on the plan is to take over at least one of the major parties, and what do you think we are seeing today. Nikita Kruschev came right out and said he would destroy America from within. They are trying to deflect attention from their stated goal to destroy America by pushing gun control. Stop arguing about guns and go for the head of the snake and attack the Democrat party and the media. Another thing why is George Soros still alive? Another thing, destroy the socialist lead NEA they are filling kids heads with hatred and socialist teachings. Look at what has destroyed Europe - socialism. If you don't know it yet Europe is dead thanks to the European Union.
    "My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income" Errol Flynn[SIGPIC][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD redleg505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzanna Turner View Post
    I grew up in a house with several shotguns propped up in every corner, and you couldn't open a closet without them falling out.... literally falling out.
    My father was a gunsmith...owned and operated a gun shop out of our home. Sometimes his customers couldn't pay for his services so they bartered and traded with him. We had enough to supply a militia, and most of them were not ever registered...with many that didn't have serial numbers on them. A lot of 'kit' guns, many antiques... My father also hosted the weekly gun club for our county, right in our backyard. I had handled so many guns as a very young child. My sisters and I all learned to shoot at the age of 4. We were then initiated into the gun club. We also taught how to break them down and rebuild them. The guns propped up in corners? Finished guns waiting to be picked up, and since both parents worked full-time jobs outside of the home, it was up to us girls to answer the door and give the right gun to the right customers. They all had yellow receipts rolled up and sticking out of the barrels.

    Our way of life was passed down to the grandchildren and now the great-grandchildren. My great nephew just learned how to shoot his first gun two weeks ago, at the age of 6...he's getting a late start.

    How many accidents have we had? ZERO. How often did we irresponsibly handle a gun? ZERO. Four generations and not one little issue.

    It is about teaching gun safety and respecting the power they possess and you possess while you handle them. Yes, but that is all secondary to teaching how to be a respectful, responsible, loving and caring human being. Without that, the gun safety goes out the window.
    I wish we had a "like" button....i'd hit it a few thousand times agreeing with that Suzy.

  8. #8
    obnoxious pest controls applied
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    Quote Originally Posted by redleg505 View Post
    I wish we had a "like" button....i'd hit it a few thousand times agreeing with that Suzy.
    Amen!! Kudos to suzanna and blaze!!

    Blaze, I will have to look you up next fall when I come up to Tulsa for Wanenmacher's

  9. #9
    Verified Companion Companion Blaze's Avatar
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    I grew up watching my dad from a short distance where he would sit on the floor, on an old sheet. Spread out before him was all his brass to polish. Gawd I really do not like the smell of Brasso! Then from a distance I could watch him clean his guns. Gun oil not much better.

    So then came a very uncomfortable phone call a couple years ago. Dad wanted to talk about death... he and my mom's wishes. Then on to his collectables ie.. his gun collection. Some of which are very very old. I said to him that I thought he should pass the guns to my oldest son. For one, I don't shoot, an not licensed, have two small children in the house again and so on. I thanked him and said,,, but feel free to let me inherit all the trains : )

    I'm a very clumsy person and just have always thought I shouldn't own a gun. It has nothing to do with anything other than me trying to truthful in that I just shouldnt, probably. That's not to say I couldn't pull a trigger in a defense situation because I definitely could. I have no fear there.

    It's like we're in a crescendo of sorts, everything and every side getting louder and more violent. I already know my temper and find myself becoming more reclusive. It's hard to out and not get an attitude. I still hold doors for people then turned around and get off by some young millennial in the parking lot. Grrr, then they mean mug you likes it's your fault wtf?

    I'm mad because Trump cut my throat with signing those bills. I'm happy he's basically said FU to bad trade deals. I'm glad he wants to cut funding for PP and wants to build up our military.

    The far left nut jobs and we'll as the far right religious nuts have caused this. I'm a conservative that doesn't want to vote for most if not all conservative candidates or incumbents. Yet I simply can't NOT vote.

    I believe in free enterprise and the right to refuse service to anyone. I think if you want to be a Pastafarian or Moslum or whatever, fine, just don't go pushing your God crap on me. If you are CIS, Trans, Bi, gay or whatever,, everyone should be allowed to marry and be happy. I applaud business that say get over it we have 1 bathroom.. stand in line! If people wanna grow and blow clouds POWER to da Peoples!!! If the crazy nuts in California want to succeed, fine make them live in the bottom half of the state ijs... I think Okla has to many superintendents and people shouldn't get upset if they get plowed down for standing in the road on highways while protesting.

    Our children are being indoctrinated and groomed with other people's values. They are kids and don't know or understand the full extent of all their choices or decisions. They only know they wanna get out of class and chant, only to say YA I was there!!!

    Did you know,, you have to have a doctors note in order for you to tell daycares they can't eat their carb loaded, processed foods? I shit you not! Ohh I'm gonna hush now..

    Well sure plan ahead, think Wannemachers is usually in Oct right?
    Its A Blaze! ~~ Natural Redhead ~~
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  10. #10
    Registered Male (Not Verified) PinkFloyd's Avatar
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    My whole point is that their agenda is to put us on the defensive. We are on the defensive when we should be attacking them with everything we have. Limbaugh and Hannity are doing their best to get the word out, and the left knows they have no single person who can stand toe to toe with them so the left has taken the tactic of swarming the opponent with shear numbers. The socialist know that if you tell a lie enough times people will start to believe that it is true. You have to know your enemy and their tactics.

    I know I sound extreme but I would quote the great Barry Goldwater -"To my mind the single essential element on which all discoveries will be dependent is human freedom. I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue! Acceptance Speech as the 1964 Republican Presidential candidate.

    Barry is the father of modern conservatism, and he is who Reagan drew his inspiration. Anyone who thinks you can pray this away is insane. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. - HORSESHIT!! WE ARE AT WAR, EUROPE IS AT WAR We stand to lose everything unless we go on a relentless attack.
    Last edited by PinkFloyd; 05-20-2018 at 06:03 AM.
    "My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income" Errol Flynn[SIGPIC][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  11. #11
    Verified Companion Companion Blaze's Avatar
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    True that, once said or implied, the seed is planted.

    Forum glitches will be fixed, will be fixed, will be fixed, lol.
    Its A Blaze! ~~ Natural Redhead ~~
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  12. #12
    obnoxious pest controls applied
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    True that, once said or implied, the seed is planted.

    Forum glitches will be fixed, will be fixed, will be fixed, lol.
    I really need to spend some more time in Oklahoma

  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lespaulmankc's Avatar
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    How about the good guy with a gun taking out the psycho shooter at Louie's on Hefner Lake? Yes people, that's how it's done!
    Fucking Oklahoma 60 Minutes At A Time.

  14. #14
    Verified Hobbyist BCD redleg505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lespaulmankc View Post
    How about the good guy with a gun taking out the psycho shooter at Louie's on Hefner Lake? Yes people, that's how it's done!
    Notice how when a 'good person with a gun takes out the bad guy with the gun".. most of the main stream media ignore the story? Now, if the gunman had gone into the restaurant and no one was armed and killed 8 or 10 folks, that would have been on all the news channels every 30 seconds for 2 or 3 days.

  15. #15
    obnoxious pest controls applied
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lespaulmankc View Post
    How about the good guy with a gun taking out the psycho shooter at Louie's on Hefner Lake? Yes people, that's how it's done!
    He was there to help- gotta love it!! H-E-R-O

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