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Thread: Old Pictures

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Jun 2018

    Old Pictures

    I have not been in the hobby scene in a while now, but I still keep up with you guys and gals on here and view the sites to keep up with who is new and who all is still around. A lot of the pictures the ladies are using were OLD pics when I used to see them. And that's been several years ago, and they are the same pics that they are using in their ad's now. How misleading for us guys. To walk up to a room and see a 200 lb 10 year older lady than that one in the pics would make me want to just turn around and walk away. I have actually wanted to walk away, (and should have, several times), but the little head done the thinking. Have any of yall ever just walked away? Or am I the only one that this has ever happened too?

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Gulf Coast
    I have walked away many times. I figure if she lied to me about how she looks and none of my clothes come off and I walk away at the door then I dont owe her shit. If I get inside and start getting undressed and her clothes start coming off and she is unsightly nude I will drop some cash usually a 20 and try and get the fuck out of there asap.

    Yeah the old pics thing has always been an issue. Some girls that actually have good service can get away with it. My thing with an ugly or old ho is if she makes up for it by sucking and fucking harder better then I will still see her if her rates are low enough. There are some hos that are up in age that understand this Erin comes to mind she is my age nearly but she makes the session all about getting your nut out so what she lacks in youth she makes up in giving you a good experience. I cant argue with that and continue to see her fairly regularly as do a bunch of my friends I back channel with. She also uses current pics so you know exactly what your walking into.

    Just look at the first 3 pages of stg ads on the coast and you will see the same girls using pictures that I took of them in some cases as many as 15 years ago. I mean the girl I am thinking of was probably 27 when I took her pics and she is in her 40s now and lived the hard ho life all this time and is using pics I took almost 15 years ago. I havent been able to stomach fucking her in at least 5 years because she looks so rough yet im sure new guys go in based off her old pics everyday still. I mean they must otherwise she wouldnt put up the ten ads a day that she does.

    I get a girl has to eat and they dont care what it takes to get us in the door. Talking to hos they say that most tricks once they get there usually stay no matter what they find behind the door so I guess the old pics work. I am guilty of staying after the door opened and it was clear the girls pics were at least a decade old. Some times I had a good time still a few times I had a great time but usually it sets a bad mood from the jump and if the girl isnt a fuck machine going all out to get the nut I instantly regret not leaving the second she opened the door. Many times I wasnt even able to nut because the girl was so far off from her pics. As a whole I would rather see pics that are at most a few years old but as long as girls sell ass online they will post old or even fake pics. Its the nature of the beast

    The other side of the coin are the girls who post real pics of their body from angles that make them look their best so the pics are legit but in reality its the absolute best the girl could make herself look and could never look that good other than making that particular pose. Also the druggie girls who pick their faces but have nice bodies. You will never see the face picker post her face without a bunch of filters covering her scabbed up wreck of a face. I have one I see a ton a few times a week when she is out of jail because she is happy with next to nothing for rates has good pussy gives great head and has a thin fit body from her habit but picks her face nonstop. Its always a bleeding mess covered in scabs and caked in coverup makeup like a clown just to hide her scars and open wounds. I actively try not to look her in the face the entire time I am with her. The worst part is I have known her since she was 18 before the picking started and she was a seriously pretty girl. She still would be if not for the face picking. But now she has done so much permeant damage that I doubt even plastic surgery could fix it.

    It really is a shame when you know these girls for a long time and watch firsthand their decent into the ho life and the changes that happen from being with garbage ass dudes that live off them and keep them on the substances they come to depend on to the outright physical damage to their bodies they suffer from living the life of a ho coping with the mental shit that comes along with selling the most intimate part of their bodies to strangers.


  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    It is a shame, you got that right, Basscat. I can't imagine, living the life some of these ladies do. But it IS their choice. I hate a girl that could have been so gorgeous, lets drugs and pimps, get her into the shape you have described. I'm certainly glad that I never got hooked on anything also. I often wonder, if I had been born a gal, if I'd have let some low life get me hooked on something like that, as much as I love sex. I might be the one needing the picture filters, and using old pics in ads.

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