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Thread: Ai sexbots will shift the game in favor of hobbyists

  1. #16
    Verified Hobbyist BCD TinMan's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by houstonhobbyist25 View Post
    The single biggest problem with women is their refusal to talk to me in binary. Really looking forward to a future of bland, mechanical sex interrupted by ads.
    If free porn is any indication, the robot will get you to the verge of climax before interrupting with a link to its OF page to experience the ending (at a subscriber discount!).
    OH2 and Eccie member since 2009. P411 since 2005. Anything before that just makes me sound old. Do not ask me what I paid. These chicks just dig me for my company.

  2. #17
    Verified Hobbyist BCD ZeroTheHero's Avatar
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    Apr 2018
    I think it's gonna be awhile tlll we see Cherry 2000 or Galaxina.

  3. #18
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Jun 2020
    I have been debating whether or not to chime in on this one. The voice that says spread the word has won the day, so here goes.

    AI is coming at light speed for the very heart of humanity. It is silent and increasing at an exponential rate. The discussions surrounding it, and warnings, have been with us for decades. Serious warnings of increasing concern started surfacing in the middle of the last decade. Researchers, as is evidenced by the open letter that so many of them signed, had a quasi agreement not to do certain things, until more was known. That did not hold. Some of the lead researchers, Mo Gawdat of Google X for example, consider Artificial General Intelligence, and it becoming conscious, to be inevitable. Think about that, machines that can process information billions of ties faster than us, and constructed much stronger than us, having feelings. Let that one soak into the grey matter for a bit. Let it bounce around, really let it sink in. Many of these researchers consider AI to be an existential threat to our very existence as humans. If we do not take it seriously and, in Gawdats words, raise "...the children..." correctly, very bad things will happen. Whether he is right or wrong we will all know soon enough. I am leaning toward believing what he has to say along with the likes of the original code writers, from the 70's, and numerous others who are engaged in the field.

    Some of you may have heard of a guy named Elon Musk.... arguably the Einstein of our time even though he is reportedly frequently a jerk.... he has been sounding the alarm for years. I was listening to an interview of a professor who used to work at MIT. He moved to Montreal and was given a research lab at the university there. Up on the wall there was one of those posters of the evolution of humans. But it went a step further than Homo Sapiens. The next step in the evolution, from this particular geniuses perspective, will be human evolution into these cybernetic beings. In the interview he said that his research is trying to bring about that evolution. I read a rather long paper recently from another AI lab rat who talks about how "...we are creating Gods...". That paper gives me shivers.

    There is the infamous pod cast of Joe Rogan and Elon Musk where Rogan is asking Musk about when he thinks humans will become cybernetic. They were both smoking weed.... Musk told Rogan that we are already there. He pointed to the cell phones laying on the table and asked Joe how often he is away from his phone. That the phone is a silicon based extension of us at the tip of our fingers most of the time. This was several years ago. I suspect that as soon as implants that are not uncomfortable or cumbersome, they will quickly become wide spread. Nobody really knows where this will take us, but it is all happening at lightning speed. I am far from being a luddite, having said this, I am concerned about potential outcomes, in the near in within the next ten years. There are numerous SciFi movies, dating back decades, that get into all of this. It is where many engineers get their ideas from. If you have not seen The Matrix, I urge you to do so. The notion of Jacking IN to the Matrix is not far fetched. I suspect it is the goal of a number of research efforts being financed by billions of dollars from private capital investors, all of whom want an enormous return for their buck.

    Specifically to SEXXBOTS, they are here and I think they will become increasingly widespread over the next decade. There is simply too much money for it not too occur. I was sitting in ~Server Farm that an old buddy of mine who basically ran the place in the early 2000's. I was absolutely amazed by all of it. He was talking to me about the Internet, its history, growth and where he thought it would go. He was partially correct, it actually grew much faster than he thought was possible. We have had subsequent discussions. He is the expert, I am not. But I learned a lot from what he had to say.

    Way back, when I was first talking to him about the internet he made the point of telling me that much of what was driving the growth of the Internet was pornography. It was/is, one of the primary economic engines. Whether or not this is actually true I don't know. I am not the expert. There is most certainly an endless stream of porn that is available for all tastes. And it gets bigger and bigger every day. I don't see any reason that SEXBOTS will not be fully developed. Indeed, I will be surprised if they are not developed. But they are only the beginning.

    The thing that will really change the game is when, not if, but when, people are able to connect their brains via a neuro/digital interface, to the internet.THAT, will be the game changer for all things. And sex will be a big part of it. It will be interesting to see where this all goes, to say the least.

    Just a few thoughts on the matter,

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