Quote Originally Posted by Adonisman View Post
I have been through enough divorces with friends and family to know its not worth getting married anymore. Unless you are religious or want kids. I do not see any benefit to men. All the laws favor women in Family Court.
I'm not religious and I do not have kids. But I was fortunate enough to find a great partner. I married her for her intelligence, not her looks. One can rent 'looks' anytime. I pity the fools who married for looks, men or women. Sure, it makes a great Hollywood movie, but it rarely works out long term.

A great marriage is hard work, on a daily basis. But the rewards far outweigh the effort. It may sound cheesy, but my wife is my best friend. She loves me enough to understand that me being in the hobby is not about her failing. It is about making me happy. And it makes her happy that it makes me happy.

Quote Originally Posted by Adonisman View Post
Now back on topic. It must suck to be married and your partner not want to have sex anymore
My in-laws have a sexless marriage, mainly because my father-in-law is the biggest asshole I have ever met. He would get banned and blacklisted from the hobby on the first day. They argue constantly, and I have never seen him treat his wife with kindness and respect. They argued on my wedding day, the day their only daughter was getting married. They couldn't set aside their differences for one hour and be civil during the wedding ceremony. She stays with the asshole because she cannot provide for herself. But she won't even let him touch her. As you may imagine, coming from a stable family where my parents never shouted at each other, I had a lot of reeducation to do to fix my wife's behavior. But all in all, I do not regret getting married.