This thread caught my eye. I appreciate the topic and the vulnerability with which you shared it. I agree with Jade that loneliness is an epidemic in our society. I don’t feel that i necessarily have anything profound to share, but specially from a thread that is from so very long ago and because I am seeming to see different answers from the hobbyists than from the providers extrapolating from what you originally wrote. The hobbyists seem to be giving you ominous warnings about reading into relationships with the providers and I can see the wisdom in those warnings. I however, took from your original post something more revealing about the human condition and our need for connection and how this “hobby” and “work” fit into the whole scheme of it and I appreciate you including the prospect of loneliness from the providers standpoint as well. I think that I also got into this work to fill some needs of loneliness. In some ways, I think it offers bandaids to a greater void, but even bandaids can be helpful and work in helping to fill the need. We all have needs for affection, connection, and intimacy. They are definitely needs, not just desires and wants, but our soul and spirit is not sustained without them. I personally am proud of this aspect of sex work in its openness to help fulfill a basic human need. I don’t necessarily think it is the most ideal way, but I am appreciative that it is addressing a need that exists and is largely ignored in society or not offering actually anything to help with this. I think it is brave, extraordinary , and vulnerable that you have shared this and opened a dialogue. Thank you 🙏🏼