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Thread: Why am I here?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Why am I here?

    For me it's simple. I'm extremely bad at getting women. I think the hobby has made it worse because now I stopped trying. I'm envious of the hobbyists who say they have a SO or wife. I wouldn't be here if I did. We all truly want love.

    This shit takes a toll on you. I look at those who have done it for years and seem normal. I've done it for 25 years and I'm absolutely not the same guy I was before. I wish I could go back because this hobby shit long term doesn't ever end well.

    My Atf just quit. She told me she quit. I texted her several times after she told me she quit and she always politely responded she was done. I was pissed because I missed the way she made me feel sexually. Not who she was as a person. Now I rejoice that she's gone and staying gone. I want her to experience true happiness and love.
    Most women absolutely don't want to do this and honestly guys do we want to do it either? There's a lady here who was my girlfriend for a period of time. Popular chick. I won't say who , who told me you either have love or money. She said she will always choose money. I still feel bad for her everyday and mad that I didn't do more to help her realize life's true value and it ain't money. I could, should have been better. Done more. Why am I here? Why are you here? Please a civil conversation. No name calling. No nonsense. No comedians. Just a real talk by the campfire with marshmallows please

  2. #2
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Houston, Tx
    Why are we here? because we're here - roll the bones.

    Seriously... if you look back in time as to how the world of relationships has evolved... guys got tired of bs women gave them.. they wanted a serious relationship... they get to the point they get engaged, then married and the sex dwindles off. Or the lady starts using the line like "Buy me this: I'll love you forever" or similar. Guys decided the provider/client relationship was more straightforward, a LOT less drama filled and if the lady was discrete and mature about things, she never called you for anything. She let you call to see about an appointment etc.. everything was cool.

    I am not blaming the ladies for how things came about but guys got to witness the "Anna Nicole Smith" show, and see other stories in the news about gold diggers, (ahem, the kardashians) etc.

    Life got busy, people had less time to go to bars or where ever to date, dating apps came out.. now it is all prematched up etc.. and if a guy has no intention of marriage but wants an active sex life, then this life works for them.

    Some providers I have become friends with and we email directly about a variety of things... but when it comes to a date, I start that.

    This life is identical to the life of someone going to strip clubs to get the fantasy....

    As long as respect is given from both parties, everything stays on the up and up & cool side etc... it lasts for as long as it lasts... when one side calls it quits, the other should wish them well and smile at the memories.

    Just remember we all immortal, for a limited time.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    I just want to fuck someone new and move on. Black, Asian, fat, skinny, trans…I don’t care.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I just want to fuck someone new and move on. Black, Asian, fat, skinny, trans…I don’t care.

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