Visiting HTX around 7/25 for the first time please prebook to ensure travel dates are confirmed

Staying close to a downtown area for all appointments booking can be done through my site link below.

An intense, electrifying encounter is just a few texts away pals & gals as I will provide you with the ultimate massage experience and journey with me Miracle.

My natural beauty is not for the weak. I don’t need to daunt into heavy makeup to have you doting over me. Gazing with admiration because of the first class expertise and sultry appeal that you’ve so longed for. With me you get the exotic island gal, the woman you’m never got to meet because you haven’t traveled to the Caribbean yet! I have the accent, raving plump soft lips, long legs, smooth caramel skin with red undertones and the ultimate gentle feminine touch persona to match.

On top of my in demand healing hands you will find that you absolutely adore my therapeutic conversations; often refreshing or my ability to cater to your specific needs; incredibly soothing, my eclectic style; subtle, my desirable charisma; charming and my enthusiasm; breathtaking!

Like a trophy, I can dress up or down for any occasion. Your choice. But both times I am more beautiful inside and out.

I have been providing an admiring level of upstanding service that is unique, discrete, respectful and honest to so many deserving friends both prior and new encounters across the nation. Why don’t you stay awhile so that you come be apart of my legacy and memory during my time here.