sorry for the issues, but since hackers continue disrupting the community and since the site is still being restored, our software is not working fully 100 percent of the time,

so please do not try to change your password or your email. Do not try to recover your password, that tool is not working properly.

Disregard any warning messages; they are not accurate.

Valid SSL certificates are in place but may not be up to date in your browser.

Be persistent. When you do gain entry, do not log out, just close the browser if you must leave the site,

If you get a “you’re not logged in” message, just back up your browser and try again from a different page. Go to the bottom of the page and try to manually log in there. Some folks have reported success in that maneuver.

Browsers: many users of Safari, Chrome, Opera, and the free and the paid versions of Puffin and a few other browsers report success. Browser privacy settings should be OFF to allow site log in but you can also set your browser to block any popups.

Make sure your browser settings show these sites as SAFE.

^^^ enter data exactly as shown

please contact for password access assistance.