Good discussion, and, just offering a bit of knowledge and experience gathered since 2002, and, with the unfortunate exception of Houston Xmas gathering in 2009, nary an issue.

The issue is not "trust" per se.

It the simple fact that all of us in the hobby are rule breakers/rule benders.

Therefore, trust, but verify. If a person vouches for someone, the voucher must understand he/or she can and damn well usually will be held responsible for the vouchee's behavior, conduct and ability to keep confidential that which must be kept confidential.

But as noted, all in the hobby are rule benders.

Another essential thought:

Semi-public and totally public venues are relatively safe if everyone respects the rules, which are easier to keep in mind in public places more so that private spaces.

If you are going to have P4P, best to be in a very safe private space, with a group not so large that it cannot be controlled, and for gawd's sake, do not call the event a social or a meet and greet or anything akin to those because them mere whiff of M&Gs being p4p available taints (no, not that TAINT) the entire concept of M&Gs that are not hook-ups and sex parties.

I am a realist, so I definitely understand that hot bodies are gonna engage outside the M&Gs, but that might as well be a meat market thing as much as a M&G. Not much I can do or say about it, since, of course I am as guilty at times of making a "selection" during an event and exercises that option same day, next day or next week.

Y'all take care hereabouts, exercise proper judgment and we are working on solid site solutions that should be apparent soon.

Happy Hobbying!