Quote Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Why would anybody think that Elon cares about people?
When it comes to the accumulation of wealth and those who make ( made) him rich he gives a shit only about himself however caring about people is not the same thing. Apples to oranges. Not sure where you get that he doesn't care about people, fact or a random thought pulled from thin air? His charitable donations are well documented so his caring falls in the fact column. Much like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mike Bloomberg the list goes on; Forbes as well. All known for donating massive money to ' people'; Elon included.

Yeah, admittedly some may have egos, might be arrogant perhaps selfish in ways but at the end of the day these folks gave money to charities and lots of it... Perhaps these contributions in odd ways benefit him too but much like Gates, Elon strives to better humanity and life on this planet obviously the guys does care but if you bought a Tesla or shares in his stock one shouldn't hold their breath for the thank you note; it ain't coming...