so this is to every piece of shit that has something to say about me, but yet i cant defend myself!?!?!?! There is 3 sides to every fucking story! So before you go off of someone's fucking review, maybe you should set something up with me?????? But yet half yall mfer's are married and commmit adultery! So before you go pointing a finger at me, take a look at your damn self. ''god don't like ugly'' remember that next time you try to talk shit about someone you don't know or have only read the bad reviews. Because i find it very fucking funny how only the bad reviews are the ones with the comments, but the good reviews don't have any reviews. And socks?????? Lmfao thats the first one! Cause i have never had any complaints on my personal fucking hygiene.

And another fucking thing!!!!! I only had 1 damn name change and the reason being is for personal reasons, not because of what a bunch of yall worms have said or think they know why i changed my damn name. Because to be honest nothing that any of yall have to say, would make me give a damn enough to change my name. I have closed that account and got with the moderator to open it back up; and obciously whoever that is don't check their fucking e-mails. So again all of yall have a wonderful night and continue talking about me. I know ''amber dawn'' sounds good rolling off the fucking tongue.

Oh yea......and one more fucking thing!!!! I would absolutely love to know who the fuck my pimp is; so please can someone clearify? Because maybe this website needs to be looked at a lot closer, considering i get a text from a fucking ''simp'' every fucking day for me to be their ''bottom bitch''FUCKOFF.jpg