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Thread: broaching the subject of std test with a ******

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    broaching the subject of std test with a ******

    A question came up about how I get ******s to test for std's in a reply to a review. Since answering that there would be off topic I will start a thread here in coed to discuss.

    If I meet a young woman who I get along with and can come to terms on a decent rate for weekly or even multiple visits a week I will often ask them to let me pay for std test so we can ditch the condoms if thats something they would be into. Your typical ****** has financial issues and would never spend her money getting tested and since they see tons of dick from sketchy dudes they are curious about what std's they might have also. So most girls are fine with someone getting them tested for free so they can have unprotected sex and get paid regularly. With that being the case its usually not that hard to get a girl you want tested. I am tested twice a year minimum and my test results are available online for me to show the ladies I enter into this arrangement with. The place I use also allows them to set up an account so they can get their results online which I insist on so I can have the password and check the results myself before fucking them bare. I usually test the girls I see bare twice a year to be safe. For me to want to fuck a ****** regular much less bare she has to be special so I dont do this with many and the ones I do do it with I see for many years continuously. I would much rather have a semi normal relationship with a girl so its not about watching the clock when she comes over and we can become a lot more relaxed around each other. I like fucking a lot and I need two or three steady pay for play relationships to mix with the civilians I see to fulfil my sexual desires. I still surf stg and the ****** boards for new girls to see once just to add to the list but at my age I much prefer seeing the same group of ladies regularly and not having to wear protection yet still being safe. So testing is a must.

    I use to have my ******s tested. They sub out to local blood work places and have reasonable rates. There is a place just north on 49 where I see most my girls to get their test. I pay online and never have to go with them just leave their name they show up get tested then I can sign on and check the results. I personally have good insurance so I use my primary care doc to get my work done and have my blood drawn at my local hospital. They have a great website where I can pull up my results anytime to show new girls I make arrangements with so they can see that I am clean.

    No matter how a girl test today keep in mind ******s have very risky sexual practices so if you get in the same kind of arrangements I do there is still a lot of risk. Its why I am test so often and have been for over a decade now. I have been very lucky so far not once have I caught anything from a ****** in over 25 years but there is still a great deal of risk. Its usually not the girl I worry about its her pimp/bf that scares me. These girls pimp/bfs fuck a ton of low class ******s too. Chances are any guy who will live in cheap hotels off a girl selling her ass to support them then he is a t trashy low life who fucks some of the lowest class garbage on earth. So I will usually pass on the girls with really trashy pimp/bfs for these kind of arrangements. I would suggest anyone considering this do the same. If the pimp looks like he came out of a rap video find another girl to have tested.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Bossman, I see the list but I don't know a lot of the abrevs. I see the ones that say HIV, so I assume the std's are all in that bundle. Somewhere in the $80 to $135 range to be tested for all this. Am I correct?

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Thats a new list so I dont know where the test I have done is listed. I have the girl who owns the companies email and email her each time asking for these test in a package HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis panel with genotype and a normal urine screen for your everyday sti's It usualy runs me 220. I am not sure if she has a bundle online with those but I can send your her email address and you can ask her to run the basscat panel.

    Over the years I have probably had 70 women tested and out of all of those only one positive for hiv but better than two thirds have hepc. Most any girl who does this has been into dumb shit that puts them at great risk for contracting hepatitis. Its deadly and not that long ago extremely expensive to cure. I got with a guy out of Australia and have paid to have nearly 40 ******s hepc meds to have them cured now. The meds are very cheap now it cost about 400 bucks these days but when I first started the cost in the usa ran nearly 90k. That wasnt but about ten years ago now its come down with new meds but still around 7k in the us. You can get meds out of india for about 400 these days. A lot of the ******s that I paid to have cured still see me even though they retired got married or otherwise left the hobby so having a heart and feeling for a woman most people discount as garbage has really paid off for me in the long run. Thats not why I ever did it though I honestly just hate to see someone die from a curable disease that is easily treated just because the drug companies want to rape people. The first girl I did this for was an awesome young lady and I wanted to see her regular and bare and asked her if she would get tested and she agreed. When the test came back and she had hepc I had no idea what it even was so I did some research and learned how deadly it was. I felt terrible for the poor girl she was in her very early 20s and had her entire life ahead of her but had no chance of living a full life with hepc then when I brought her to an endocrinologist to have her treated I found out it was going to cost nearly 90k. I thought about marrying her so she could use my insurance and called to check and of course insurance didnt pay for hepc treatment so you are on your own. Back then only the wealthy could cure their hepc no insurance company paid for the cure. Now some do but not all. So I started searching hepc groups and found a crusader based out of Australia who helped tens of thousands of american and europeans obtain treatment for about 1400 dollars out of india. Now its common for people to buy their meds from india but back then it was new. I paid the money got her meds and now she is a 30 something mom to a cool little kid long since done with hooking and the issues that drove her to hook in the first place. Best of all she still gives me ass at least a few times a year as a way of saying thank you (I also put her through a few rehabs at my expense lol but thats another story)

    So its not enough to just get a girl you want to use tested if she comes back positive with some deadly shit do the decent thing and pay to cure her. Also dont be an idiot 90 percent of the girls who do this do it for one reason so use them for awhile but talk to them and try and let them see that there is a much better way to live and pay to put them into rehab and get them clean so they can leave this miserable life behind. These ******s are someone's daughter or grandkid in most cases someone's mother and deserve to have healthy normal lives. So have your fun with them but try and help them and not by just giving them cash that further sends them into the abyss. Try and get them sober and into a rehab so it sticks so they dont spend 20 years in cheap hotels at the hands of men who abuse and use them until they are all used up then discarded like trash and thats best case most die young as a result of the misery that their lives become and the self medication they indulge in to kill the pain of having a dozen trashy guys like me show up and use them daily.

    The hobby isnt all rainbows and candy canes and like in everything in life its always good to try and leave things better than when you found them. Or you could just close your eyes and use them like everyone else does. Whatever works for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by guitar View Post
    Bossman, I see the list but I don't know a lot of the abrevs. I see the ones that say HIV, so I assume the std's are all in that bundle. Somewhere in the $80 to $135 range to be tested for all this. Am I correct?

  4. #4
    Verified Companion Companion KynsleyMorgan's Avatar
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    Basscat, my hand is on my lips to keep from texting you as I sit here and ponder on how YOU have anything to do with the actual WHEN and HOW we get tested for STDs.
    Why in the hell would someone even send you a question as such when you aren't a CSW. Nor are you a pimp.
    You are a client, or as you say, a SD.
    Neither of these have anything to do with our health. Our insurance covers this or it is extremely easy to go to a health department or planned parenthood to set these tests up.
    A 13 panel is the most beneficial to have ran.

    NOW, the MEN need to understand that this coincides with getting your own butts checked.
    MEN need to realize that you can carry gonorrhea around or chlamydia and show no symptoms, and pass it on to a lady via bbbj. The person you were with prior may not have did her checkup and was carrying it around and BOOM!
    Men are going around raw dogging SB and bringing that into the hobby.
    FOOD FOR THOUGHT, for every person you slept with, you have also slept with everyone they have and vise versa.
    I get 13 panels every 3 months, even though I technically should not have to worry about such things. But it is for my own piece of mind, as well as that of my husbands.

    Circa 2010, a WELL KNOWN HOBBYIST that was known on E, that I used to see frequently, had passed this shit on to me via bbbj and I thought I had caught strip throat.
    Took damn near every OTC thing there was to take but to no avail, nothing was working and it only made it that much more unbearable.
    45 days later, I was rushed to the emergency room because I was losing weight rapidly and could not put anything in me other than hot salt water because my throat has closed up to that of the size of a lima bean.
    I was having a hard time breathing and could not talk.
    The ER sent me in a rush to the ENT Dr across the way who wanted to do an emergency surgery and remove my tonsils to help alleviate the swelling and when he came back with the culture results, he explained what had caused this and that I was very lucky to have came in when I did.

    I was put on antibiotics that made me sick as hell to get rid of EVERYTHING.

    I couldnt work when this was going on, and yall that know me, knew I had small kids to take care of and a single household with no extra income at the time other than my own hustle.

    My life and my health was compromised by the actions of another.

    So the health aspect of this should not be a one way street, but a 2 way street.

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    I insist on having test before entering into a SB/SD relationship with any ******. Its for my own safety. Most of the girls I have tested over the years have been clean of sti's but way to many have had hepc. You dont have to be a pimp to care about the health of the ******s you know. Actually none of the pimp/bf's I have known over the years have giving a shit about anything other than getting as many tricks through the door as possible. I always find it amusing when women finally wise up years down the road and realize that they had been played the entire time they were with there pimp. Its funny because they think of us as the tricks yet they are the ones getting tricked biggest of all. See you and I do agree on one thing hobby related EVERYONE should be TESTED regularly no matter what side of the hobby you come from ****** or trick.

    BTW OH2 passed a new rule where you have to post pictures of your boobs with every post you make. You wont find it posted anywhere so dont bother searching and its not in effect for any other girls just you. So you owe us a pic miss thang

    Kynsleys boobs are to die for... Or is that live for idk I just know they are super nice and fun to play with and we are all better off if she post pictures of them

    Quote Originally Posted by KynsleyMorgan View Post
    Basscat, my hand is on my lips to keep from texting you as I sit here and ponder on how YOU have anything to do with the actual WHEN and HOW we get tested for STDs.
    Why in the hell would someone even send you a question as such when you aren't a CSW. Nor are you a pimp.
    You are a client, or as you say, a SD.
    Neither of these have anything to do with our health. Our insurance covers this or it is extremely easy to go to a health department or planned parenthood to set these tests up.
    A 13 panel is the most beneficial to have ran.

    NOW, the MEN need to understand that this coincides with getting your own butts checked.
    MEN need to realize that you can carry gonorrhea around or chlamydia and show no symptoms, and pass it on to a lady via bbbj. The person you were with prior may not have did her checkup and was carrying it around and BOOM!
    Men are going around raw dogging SB and bringing that into the hobby.
    FOOD FOR THOUGHT, for every person you slept with, you have also slept with everyone they have and vise versa.
    I get 13 panels every 3 months, even though I technically should not have to worry about such things. But it is for my own piece of mind, as well as that of my husbands.

    Circa 2010, a WELL KNOWN HOBBYIST that was known on E, that I used to see frequently, had passed this shit on to me via bbbj and I thought I had caught strip throat.
    Took damn near every OTC thing there was to take but to no avail, nothing was working and it only made it that much more unbearable.
    45 days later, I was rushed to the emergency room because I was losing weight rapidly and could not put anything in me other than hot salt water because my throat has closed up to that of the size of a lima bean.
    I was having a hard time breathing and could not talk.
    The ER sent me in a rush to the ENT Dr across the way who wanted to do an emergency surgery and remove my tonsils to help alleviate the swelling and when he came back with the culture results, he explained what had caused this and that I was very lucky to have came in when I did.

    I was put on antibiotics that made me sick as hell to get rid of EVERYTHING.

    I couldnt work when this was going on, and yall that know me, knew I had small kids to take care of and a single household with no extra income at the time other than my own hustle.

    My life and my health was compromised by the actions of another.

    So the health aspect of this should not be a one way street, but a 2 way street.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    What she said

  7. #7
    Verified Companion Companion KynsleyMorgan's Avatar
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    Uni, that gif is making me want to do a credit card transaction in your cleavage!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by KynsleyMorgan View Post
    Uni, that gif is making me want to do a credit card transaction in your cleavage!

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