Date: Mid April
Provider: HippieChick
Phone: 210-400-8145
Email address: PM
URL/Website: NA
City: San Antonio
State: TX
Area: Med Center vacinity
Category: Independent
Appointment Type: Incall
Did appointment Take Place at Agreed upon time? Yes
Activities: DFK, BBBJ, MPCFS. Menu fuller, but we ran out of time.
Session Length: Hr
Donation: $$
Upselling: No
Hair Length/Color: Dark brown, below shoulders
Physical description: Very pretty face, IMHO, with especially striking eyes. Height-weight proportional (5'5", 130?) with a mommy tummy. Small Cs/large Bs on top, natural. Honestly can't recall whether shaved or landing strip, think the first.

Comments: Well named, earth mother type. Easy to talk with, and into the scene. For more, see the Locker room.

Recommend: Like, wow, man!! Yeah, I'll be crashing her pad again.