Quote Originally Posted by lovelyxxxo View Post
I like the way you think... I too got in when it was 9.00 bought the dip at 19 and then again yesterday at 43 pre market which raised my average to 24.75. So while that was heartbreaking to go from 19 to 25 i just tell myself it doesnt even matter its never hitting 25 again.. So no need to feel bad.. The MOASS IS COMING. June 18th they will be forced to margin call and that will be a gamma squeeze.. Do not relent .. This will be there attempt to look like they are covering.. They are NOT. Theyve now been forced by sec to put extra collateral to there shorts in gme and amc WE ARE to just sit here with our smooth brain and eat crayons... Hodl this is just the biggening and with me now having xxxx shares .. The whale is telling you I WONT SELL TILL THE HEDGIES FULLY COVER ... FOLLOW TREYS TRADES OR MATT KORRS ON YOUTUBE ..all others are counterfit ... Especially lou..( this is not finamcial advice i am not a financial advisor )PLEASE DONT FORGET THE REDDIT/WALLSTREETBETS is no longer friendly territory since the news gave us away hedgies have massively infiltrated as mods of the group so what do we do?? Make a new group reddit/wallstreetbetsELITE
and if you hold amc stock please please do not forget to go to amc.com/shareholder to register to vote. We APes are voting NO on creating additional shares till hedgefunds cover their naked shorts.YOUR VOTE COUNTS FOR EVERY SHARE YOU HOLD EXAMPLE VOTE NO 1X BUT HAVE 19999 SHARES THEN THAT 19999 NO VOTES ..PLUS you get free large popcorn and refills everytime you go to a movie.. We are trying to convince adam to make it chicken tendies instead and even rename it as treys chicken tendies or apes chicken tendie dip but will update if changes are made.
Clearly you’re a wrinkle brained ape! Lol A BIG Congratulations on getting in early! As for me, my old traditional wrinkles served me no more, had to be smoothed out, and retrained with new improved ape think, aka everything I thought I knew does not fit this very unique paradigm. But I saw the light just in the nick time, of it making a real difference, and I am now proud to be a diamond handed ape!
You’re right about the sites being infiltrated, there’s a simple formula to follow: Buy, Hold! Or Buy the dip, Hold! Just FUCKING HODL!!! All the rampant fud, and so called experts know NOTHING! But they know enough to be scared. The hf’s over leveraged naked short positions has opened up their greedy institutional arses for kicking! And our collective ape legs BE STRONG!!! LOL